Sunday, October 30, 2016

Police Used Cell Tower Logs To Text 7,500 Possible Crime Witnesses (

 With the ever increasing density of our cities as planned by UN Agenda 21, increasing population density along "mixed use" corridors, ...crime is increasing exponentially.

Just turn on your local news channels and all you hear about is the latest crimes.

This is about to turn into a real pain for everyone who carries a cell phone around, which these days is just about everyone.

The following may be a good reason to leave those cell phones at home to avoid being involved in something you really have nothing to do with, unless you are the criminal type.

Another less effective alternative would be to turn off your cell phone until you actually need to make a call.

"Investigators are calling it a 'digital canvass' -- the high-tech equivalent of
knocking on thousands of doors for information," reports the CBC, describing how an Ontario police department sent text messages to 7,500 potential witnesses of a homicide using phone numbers from a nearby cell tower's logs.

 Police obtained the numbers through a court order, and sent two texts -- one in English, and another one in French -- asking recipients to "voluntarily answer a few simple questions..."

 On one hand, this seems like the natural progression from the traditional approach of canvassing local residents by putting up flyers and knocking on doors. 

 On the other hand, I think one can reasonably ask -- Are we OK with this approach...?

 Do we want this to happen whenever there is a major crime? 
The article adds that the police force "will keep the numbers on file until the killing is solved, officers said at a news conference on Wednesday...

Investigators will also consider calling the numbers of people who don't respond voluntarily, but they would be required to obtain another court order to do so."

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