Sunday, March 19, 2017

This elicits from Christians exactly how they would react

NPR has a short commentary that is powerful in that it strongly draws out of us Christians our real core reactions.

If we observe our own initial reactions we will get a clear look at our position when it comes to such things.

Some would understand what is actually happening, while others will not quite understand.


Go back to the highlighted "a short Commentary" link in the first sentence of this post and read the whole page there first.

Then after examining your own initial reactions you can go to the below link where you can gain access to a really good man's opinion of what is the proper reaction and why and how to deal with the situation.

 He offers sound, compassionate, and biblical accurate advice as you take a journey you never anticipated.

If you ever found yourself in the above NPR commentary situation here is a very good resource for you.

And here is a PDF resource that opens with the free Adobe reader


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