God wants to introduce Himself to us through His names.

Like layers of brick expertly set down by a journeyman mason, who is a master of his craft, who has years of experience in his trade.
These will be his bricks:
"Those who know Your name will put their trust in You! ( Psalm 9:10).
"Through You we will push down our enemies; through Your name we will trample those who rise up against us" ( Psalm 44:4-5 ).
"And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son" ( John 14:13 ).
"The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe" ( Proverbs 18:10 ).
Jesus Christ is God.
"For in Christ all the fullness of the deity lives in bodily form" ( Colossians 2:9 ).
"God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself... ( 2 Corinthians 5:19 ).
" The Word ( Christ/God ) became flesh" ( John 1:1,14 ).
Everything about God is Christ and is in Christ.
" He who has seen Me has seen the Father" ( John 14:9 ).
"For God was pleased to have all His fullness dwell in Him" ( Colossians 1:19 ).
"He will make my name great. He will take what is mine and tell it to you." ( John 16:14 )
"Hallowed be Your name" ( Matthew 6:9 ).
No firmer foundation can anyone set then this!
To you who have read thus far, there is a major bonus attached to this study.
In today's study there is a promise that God has given to you for undertaking this study of the names of God!
Here is that incredible promise that few have noticed.
It will give you all the more reason why you need to undertake this study of the names of God with us today.
These solid gold, shiny words are the firmest foundational reason for this study:
"I (God Almighty) will set him ( individual you ) on high, because he has known My name" ( Psalm 91:14 ).
Lets start with the "Wall of Fire" that is a name of our Master Creator.
"For I, saith Hashem, will be unto her a chomat eish (wall of fire) round about, and will be the kavod in the midst of her" `( Zechariah 2:5 ).
For I, says the Lord, will be to her a wall of fire round about, and I will be the glory in the midst of her.
Or it could also be said, "I will be the solid, heavy presence in her midst."
The formal name of God, Adonai, is substituted by the Jews as Hashem to avoid saying one of His names.
Adonai means literally "Master."
The word "kavod."
The root meaning is heaviness, which can refer to physical weight (Exod. 17:12, when Moses’ hands were heavy) as well as something that is grave, serious, or weighty.
Drawing on parallels in Scriptures such as Psalm 3:3, “But You, O LORD, are a shield for me, my glory and the One who lifts up my head,” author Jeff A. Benner sees the “original concrete meaning” referring to battle armaments, which are heavy.
God’s kavod (Shekinah Glory) filled the Temple when it was dedicated, but Scripture does not say it was always seen.
Yet, just before Nebuchadnezzar destroyed the First Temple, Ezekiel “saw” God’s kavod leave (Ezek. 11:23).
Kavod, God's Holy glory, his undeniable, heavy, overwhelming presence. The Shekinah glory of God.
We often times hear a prayer for God's traveling mercies that goes something like this:
"Lord, we pray that we would have Your protection as we travel today. May Your angels be linked elbow to elbow like a hedge of fire as we travel today."
I always like to pray this before driving the roads, I first learned this prayer from Pastor Oden Fong when I was his roadie for "Mustard Seed Faith" band.
During the 80's my wife and I were traveling down the 405 free way at freeway speed next to the fast lane, I was driving the car with our son in the back seat.
Without knowing why at the moment, my arm automatically went over to my wife's lap as the words spontaneously came from my mouth, "Brace yourself honey."
It was not a premeditated action on my part.
Then suddenly, after my action, without any indication of what was about to transpire, other than my unconscious action, a green mustang swerved into the path of a big rig, right in front of us.
There was no way I was going to be able to avoid the crash.
We were headed right for it, it was absolutely and totally unavoidable.
We were obviously going to be involved no matter what I did!
The next thing I know I am looking in my rearview mirror at the fiery wreckage as my wife is saying to me, "How did you do that?!"
We were absolutely stunned.
We had instantly been miraculously transported through to the other side of the accident with out any harm what so ever to us.
God had been to us a wall of fire around about us. With out that wall of God all of us would have surely died that day.
The power of one of Jesus mighty names of who He is was in effect and fully functioning for us.
He was as a "Wall of fire."
The Lord gave us protection, as promised in our time of need, He became a wall of fire for all of us.
Psalm 48.
The radiant Shekinah Glory that God has promised in this name, that filled the tabernacle in Moses time and had flooded the Temple when Solomon dedicated it to the Lord is the exact same Shekinah glory that will encircle His own and preserve them from the enemy.
"For I, says the Lord, will be a wall of fire all around her, and I will be the glory in her midst" (Zechariah 2:5 ).
That fire is the outflowing radiance of the Lord's glory.
When I was a young husband and father I hired on to be a housing tract painter.
The company I worked for back then hired some "Hells Angels,"
the notorious motorcycle club, to work for them.
I was a spray-man and assigned to do stain and lacquer work.
I liked to do my work as unto the Lord, so I would always give it my all to the best of my abilities.
I produced three kitchens of cabinets a day, while the Hells Angels only produced one kitchen a day.
One day I was standing near the opened side doors of my work van.
I had my gas spray rig with several highly flammable, opened five gallon cans of Lacquer sanding sealer in there.
The biggest hardened Hells Angel comes over to me as he is striking a kitchen match on his jeans and proceeds to light his cigar with it.
It was a scene straight out of a Clint Eastwood movie in my eyes.
As he is holding the lit stick match up in his hand he says in an irritated and cold tone of voice , "you know your van could go up in fire very easily if you know what I mean. Don't rock the boat, we have a good thing here."
(This threat meant something to me because I used my own truck and tools).
Then he shakes out the match and throws it on the ground and turns and walks away.
Like Daniel after he knew the law had been passed that he was no longer to pray to his God, I found myself also in a valley of decision.
"All the presidents of the kingdom, the governors, and the princes, the counselors, and the captains, have consulted together to establish a royal statute, and to make a firm decree, that whosoever shall ask a petition of any God or man for thirty days, save of thee, O king, he shall be cast into the den of lions" ( Daniel 6:7 ).
I knew exactly why he was threatening me.
I was doing three kitchens and they were only doing one a day for the company, and I was making them look bad by my due diligence as unto the Lord.
And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him ( Colossians 3:17 ).
I had a choice to make right then and there.
Even though I was very shaken by this six foot tall menacing man with a huge knife strapped to his belt, I had a decision to make.
During lunch hour I had heard the stories of men chasing men with two by fours because of rocking the boat. And I heard the stories of stolen work trucks with all of the associated equipment.
Do I hold fast to working as unto the Lord to the best of my abilities?
Or do I give in to the threat and join the unionized' Hells Angels set limit and conform?
Like our brother Daniel I decided that I was not going to compromise, what will be, will be.
So I pushed myself even harder and started producing three and a half kitchens a day, all as unto the Lord.
After a few weeks I was in a kitchen on a tract house during one of the hottest days of the summer.
I looked out the side kitchen door, only to see that same Hells Angel dude, who had threaten me, standing in the kitchen door across from me.
It was a very hot and dry day, the kind where no one is even in a good mood, including myself.
The man sternly made a motion with his index finger for me to come over to him.
I slowly took off my respirator mask and put down my spray gun.
This was the moment that I knew was going to come sooner or later.
I would now know for sure if the name of God played out in my own life as promised to us.
I will not lie, I was totally shaking and nervous as I walked those steps arduously in his direction.
I could feel the sweat pouring down me in that summer sun, and it seemed like an eternity walking across the dirt, over to that other kitchen door.
As I approached, my eyes could see that large menacing knive strapped to his side.
I knew that what ever happened I was still going to trust in the Lord.
He said to me, "You know, I like your style," as he pointed down to a five gallon plastic bucket filled with ice and water that I had not noticed.
In it were some cans of Budweiser beer.
I picked one up and opened it.
That was the coldest and finest beer I had ever tasted!
We drank our beer in silence and I went back to my work rejoicing in the Lord.
For the duration of working for that company no one ever messed with me or harmed me in any way for outpacing my fellow workers, which I continuously did as unto the Lord.
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.
Colossians 3:23
The Shekinah Glory wall of fire of the Lord had brought me through once again.
"Deliver us from evil" ( Matthew 6:13).
He will defend us from evil that assails us.
What a joy to know that Jesus name, "Wall Of Fire," insulates us against such things as a fiery blast from Satan.
The Lord's name, "A Wall Of Fire," terminates.
Praise God for those times when He barricades the enemy's advance against us.
Exodus 14:19-21 relates how the fiery cloud literally "walled off" Pharaoh's troops, blocking their path with darkness, while at the same time becoming a warm wall of brightness to God's people awaiting their deliverance.
To employ the concept of our Lord as a wall of fire in our prayer is to recognize that, to the evil inhabitants of the unseen realm (demonic forces), Christ indeed represents all that a wall of fire is in the physical realm.
Thus, to pray in Jesus name, a wall of fire, is to move into the protective fiery enclosure of His presence while we're praying.
Years ago I was sent by the Holy Spirit to Austria.
I was working on Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa's Castle.
While there on a Sunday when everyone took the day off, I went up into the prayer tower.
A round room with windows on one side of the curve.
I worshiped the Lord and sang in this tower of the castle.
As the Lord manifested His Shekinah glory I begun to prophesy under inspiration.
My particular calling in the Lord includes the ability to prophesy frequently.
I felt as if I were standing beside myself as a stream of words began flowing from my mouth.
The Lord was saying through me prophetic things like, "See if you can stop what I am about to do in this place.
Who can prevent me?
I am setting my people free.
See if you can stop me."
And there was many more challenging things said through prophecy.
That night in the bedroom, which was just below this circular prayer room, the wind suddenly gusted fiercely and one of the windows blew inward off its hinges and flew across the room at my bed where I was sleeping.
It landed with a very loud crash at the foot of my bed with glass flying all over the place.
The locals told me that such a gust of wind with so much power in it had never happened before on this location of Lake Millstatt (You can see the orange cone shaped roofs of the castle) on the southern slopes of the Gurktal Alps .
They were baffled.
On my return home I read in the papers how that the Berlin wall had just come down!
Apparently the prophecy came to pass and the enemy was angry and blew that window at me on my bed.
One of the brothers who was a maintenance man for years at Calvary Chapel in Costa Mesa, Karl, was in another bed just across from mine.
He witnessed that window flying straight at my bed when it suddenly dropped from the air at the foot of my bed as if an unseen hand had smacked it down...
I am safe because my God is a wall of fire.
"Wall of Fire" ( chomat eish) is one of the names of our God to know and appropriate.
God's name describes His nature and character for us.
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