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Friday, November 08, 2013

Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke Is Very Effective At Evangelism

Pastor Chuck Smith Loved To Cook Outdoors
Billy Graham:
1) Preached face to face 80 million people
2) 3 million responded to invitation
3) 2.64% Conversion Ratio
Reinhard Bonnke:
1) Preached face to face 120 million
2) 74 million responded to invitation
3) 62% Conversion Ratio
Greg Laurie:
1) Preached face to face 4.7 million
2) 450k responded to invitation
3) 9% Conversion Ratio
Dl Moody: 1837 - 1899
1) Preached face to face (N/A)
2) 1 million responded to invitation
Charles Finney: 1791 - 1875
1) Preached face to face (N/A)
2) Responded to invitation 100k-500k
3) Conversion Ratio (N/A)
Charles Finney: "Will be noted as the "father of modern revivalism"
“A good case can be made that Finney should be ranked with Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, and Andrew Carnegie … as one of the most important public figures in 19th-century America.
George Whitfield: 1714 - 1770
1) Preached face to face 10 million
2) Responded to invitation (N/A)
“George Whitefield is beyond any question the greatest English preacher of all time.” Martin Lloyd Jones

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