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Friday, November 08, 2013

Friday Harp

Lone Wolf Shuffle

Lone Wolf Blues Riff

Lone Wolf Messin Aroun

A great sounding amp added with delay and some slapback grove rocks!

Can't beat that full rich tone.

Another rich bassey tone with a lot of warmth.

Another kind of harp....

Harp music, when played in accordance with God's law of love, has the unique ability to refresh the mind and lift one's spirit. This is demonstrated to us in God's Word, I Samuel 16:23, when David, the son of Jesse, brought peace to King Saul's troubled soul through melodies from his harp.

The concert harp, is a small taste of the peace of mind that is available to us through a living relationship with Jesus Christ. May your thoughts drift heavenward as the ambiance of God's love envelopes .
One such healing music is harp music. The harp produces a calm, soothing and gentle sound when plucked by the fingers. In the Bible, the harp as a musical instrument and its use has been in existence as early as Genesis 4:21. Thereafter, we read of harp music being used for worship, healing, prayer, meditation, personal devotion, warfare and connection with the Divine Being and the universe. The most famous Bible story is David, as a shepherd boy, playing his harp to bring emotional healing and deliverance from tormenting spirits for King Saul.

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