All of us sense that those very long answering messages on cell phones is just another ploy to extract more cash from all of us on our cell bills. Well, as it turns out, your correct in your sense.
All you have to do is first press the number 1, if that doesn't work, then press *, if that doesn't work, then try #. One of these will work for the three major cell phone networks. With the proper keypush you can eliminate the long message spiel designed to cost the user more shekels.
Take Back the Beep Campaign (against extra long, minutes-eating voicemail instructions)
Verizon: Post a complaint here:
AT&T: Send e-mail to Mark Siegel, executive director of media relations:
Sprint: Post a complaint here:
T-Mobile: Post a complaint here:
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“For it has been granted to you on behalf of Christ not only to believe in him, but also to suffer for him,” -Philippians 1:29
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Friday, July 31, 2009
Daniel's Home

In the year 2003 United States invaded Iraq and in the process damaged one of the Seven Wonders of the World, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. The particular site was converted by the US troops into a camp; the Camp Alpha. This is being claimed by a new report from the United Nations. In fact UNESCO is the appropriate publisher of the report and it has gone on to mention that how this historical site has been severely damaged by the troops. UNESCO is United Nation’s cultural arm.
In recent times the US military did "major damage" to the Hanging Gardens of Babylon while converting it into a base. Way to go! Dudes!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009
It is amazing how we always think that we are so wonderful while forgetting what we have allowed...

While we are on the radiation topic:
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Saturday, July 25, 2009
The press doesn't know that Christians don't "Mosh." LOL!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Why does God test His children?

Pr17:3 The refining pot is for silver & the furnace for gold but Jehovah tests hearts (Mt Henry)
Ps 66:10-note For You have tried us, O God; You have refined us as silver is refined. Spurgeon) (cf Isa 48:10 Spurgeon) (Job 23:10)
For additional insight on the "thorny" topic of tests, see Torrey's Topic "Afflictions Can Be Beneficial"
Other times of testing: Ge 22:1, Ex 16:4, 20:20, Dt 8:2,16, 13:3 // Jdg 2:22,3:1,4, Ps 81:7-note, Je 9:7,Jas1:3-note, 1Pe 1:6,7-note
When life gives you lemons make lemonade God's way -
Cry out to Jehovah Rapha...
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
A Shepherd
It was late summer when He and three other men first walked upon that road yonder. It was evening, and He stopped and stood there at the end of the pasture.
I was playing upon my flute, and my flock was grazing all around me. When He stopped I rose and walked over and stood before Him.
And He asked me, "Where is the grave of Elijah? Is it not somewhere near this place?"
And I answered Him, "It is there, sir, underneath that great heap of stones. Even unto this day every passerby brings a stone and places it upon the heap."
And He thanked me and walked away, and His friends walked behind Him.
And after three days Gamaliel who was also a shepherd, said to me that the man who had passed by was a prophet in Judea; but I did not believe him. Yet I thought of that man for many a moon.
When spring came Jesus passed once more by this pasture, and this time He was alone.
I was not playing on my flute that day for I had lost a sheep and I was bereaved, and my heart was downcast within me.
And I walked towards Him and stood still before Him, for I desired to be comforted.
And He looked at me and said, "You do not play upon your flute this day. Whence is the sorrow in your eyes?"
And I answered, "A sheep from among my sheep is lost. I have sought her everywhere but I find her not. And I know not what to do."
And He was silent for a moment. Then He smiled upon me and said, "Wait here awhile and I will find your sheep." And He walked away and disappeared among the hills.
After an hour He returned, and my sheep was close beside Him. And as He stood before me, the sheep looked up into His face even as I was looking. Then I embarrassed her in gladness.
And He put His hand upon my shoulder and said, "From this day you shall love this sheep more than any other in your flock, for she was lost and now she is found."
And again I embraced my sheep in gladness, and she came close to me, and I was silent.
But when I raised my head to thank Jesus, He was already walking afar off, and I had not the courage to follow Him...
A Shepherd
A Witness
I was there. I saw it all happen.
I had a friend from the North Country, and his name was Stephen; and because he proclaimed Jesus of Nazareth as the Son of God, he was led to the market~place and stoned...
And when Stephen fell to earth he outstretched his arms as if he would die as his Master had died. His arms were spread like wings ready for flight. And when the last gleam of light was fading from his eyes, with my own eyes I saw a smile upon his lips.
It was a smile like the breath that comes before the end of winter for a pledge and a promise of spring.
How shall I describe it?
It seemed that Stephen was saying, "If I should go to another world, and other men should lead me to another market~place to stone me, even then I would proclaim Him for the truth which was in Him, and for that same truth which is in me now."
And I noticed that there was a man standing near, and looking with pleasure upon the stoning of Stephen.
His name was Saul of Tarsus, and it was he who had yielded Stephen to the priests and the Romans and the crowd, for stoning.
Saul was bald of head and short of stature. His shoulders were crooked and his features ill~sorted; and I liked him not.
I had been told that he is now preaching Jesus from the house tops. It is hard to believe.
But the grave halts not Jesus' walking to the enemies' camp to tame and take captive those who had opposed Him.
Still I do not like that man of Tarsus, though I have been told that after Stephen's death he was tamed and conquered on the road to Damascus. But his head is too large for his heart to be that of a true disciple.
And yet perhaps I am mistaken. I often mistake.
When you think that you are right, you could be wrong. And when you think that you are wrong, you could be right...
A Witness
Monday, July 13, 2009
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Shekinah Videos
Brant Baker Shekinah Fellowship Choir
Shekinah Videos
Friday, July 10, 2009
Thursday, July 09, 2009
Bob Larson

Christian evangelist/reporter Bob Larson interviews Zeena LaVey (daughter of Church of Satan's founder Anton LaVey) and Nikolas Schreck (founder of the Werewolf Order) about Satanism, the Church of Satan, the Satanic Bible, rituals, curses and so on. Released in 1990. You can find the other 9 parts on youtube under 'The First Family Of Satanism.'
Bob Larson
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
Psalm 139:23

Psalm 139:23Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts:
Psalm 139:23
Monday, July 06, 2009
World's oldest Bible published in full online

Last year The British Library put The Book of Psalms and St Mark's Gospel online, and now the remaining pages have been made free for public use for the first time.

I wish those who don’t believe in prophets for today would stop quoting 1 Corinthians 14:32 "And the spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets" because if there are no prophets today, there are no ‘spirits of the prophets’.
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