Isaiah 53:5But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.
Galatians 1:4Who gave himself for our sins, that he might deliver us from this present evil world, according to the will of God and our Father:
1 John 2:2And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world.1 John 2:1-3 (in Context) 1 John 2 (Whole Chapter)
1 John 4:10Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.
Nailed it.
Welcome to my place! It's great to have you here! AN INTERESTING WEB DESTINATION
“For it has been granted to you on behalf of Christ not only to believe in him, but also to suffer for him,” -Philippians 1:29
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Friday, December 31, 2010
Emergent Man
Acts 7:41And they made a calf in those days, and offered sacrifice unto the idol, and rejoiced in the works of their own hands.
The Self Made Man
The Self Made Man
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
What God Can Do

Read Greg Laurie's observation of what God can do:
Greg Laurie Christian Post Contributor He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love. ...
Former Atheist Aims to Reverse Negative Christian StereotypesChristian PostBy Stephanie SamuelChristian Post Reporter Concerns about the face of Christianity have led a former atheist to form a non-profit to address the perceived ...
John 1:11-13 (NIV)
He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God-- children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband's will, but born of God.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010

Anyway we thought about the way that they line us up at stores and which way is the best way. Well now I come across a study about such things. . .
"As you wait in the checkout line for the holidays, your observation is most likely correct. That other line is moving faster than yours. That's what Bill Hammack (the Engineer Guy), from the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at the University of Illinois — Urbana proves in this video. Ironically, the most efficient set-up is to have one line feed into several cashiers. This is because if any one line slows because of an issue, the entry queue continues to have customers reach check-out optimally. However, this is also perceived by customers as the least efficient, psychologically."
God's Gift To Us

Matthew 2:6‘ But you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah,Are not the least among the rulers of Judah;For out of you shall come a Ruler Who will shepherd My people Israel.’”
John 7:42Has not the Scripture said that the Christ comes from the seed of David and from the town of Bethlehem, where David was?”
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Pontius Pilate, Governor of Judea
Day Five (Continues)
The Illegal Trial Of Jesus Christ
People's Court
Shekinah Fellowship
Room 101
Ms Suzy, Jurist in this court room:
Pilate was a native of Seville, one of the larger cities in Spain, wherein all of the inhabitants enjoyed the coveted privileges and rights of Roman citizens. History tells us that he was a vile traitor to the cause of the Spaniards; that when Spain fell to the greatly superior Roman

Pilate was a man of extreme violence, who frequently delighted in causing much ill-treatment and murder to many of the Jews within his jurisdiction. It is recorded that he alone was responsible for the cruel execution of hundreds of innocent Jews. Being the Governor of Judea, he had full jurisdiction over civil, criminal and military matters within his domain; and was answerable only to the Emperor for the welfare and general behavior of the Jews located within Judea.
While he had no interest in nor love for the Jews, he feared the ever-present possibility that some of them might, with justification, report him to his political benefactor, the Emperor, and be able to obtain his removal from that high office. Many of his predecessors had been removed, summarily, for slight causes. So he kept his ear to the ground in order to detect any rumblings or outbursts of dissention over the way he conducted the affairs of State.
Once, when he had been warned that a group of Jewish citizens had planned to confer with him, making some kind of complaint over harsh treatment accorded them by him, he deliberately had a band of his soldiers to conceal large knives under their garments; and when the helpless group came within reach, he gave the arranged signal, and they were brutally cut to death!
While Jesus was a Jew, Pilate had no reason to entertain malice toward Him. He just did not like any Jew. But, during the second "trial" of Christ, before Pilate, the Governor showed no evidence of enmity. On the contrary, he tried four separate times to release the Master by insisting that he had found Him guilty of no wrongdoing. The authors of the four Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, place a sense of mercy into the heart of Pilate, revealing his temporary unwillingness to have any part of the crucifixion. Still, we cannot overlook the important observation that Pilate, when courage and honor and bravery was at stake, showed the pallid flag of fear by vacillating and finally giving in to the demands of the mob that the Christ be surrendered to them for crucifixion.
Yes, when time came for Pilate to assume an important role in the most powerful drama in all the world, he revealed his craven cowardice. He had, indeed, the great fault of playing to the demands of the mob, and sacrificing his self respect and power of office, through fear of retaliation. He lost control of his merciful impulses when threats to report him to the Emperor were imminent. He didn't have the moral courage to stand his ground!
We learn that, according to popular legend, the Emperor became greatly alarmed over witnessing the complete darkness which enveloped the Roman world at the moment of the crucifixion of Christ; and that he then ordered Pilate to proceed to Rome and give explanation for his conduct toward Jesus, and, as a result of this investigation, he was condemned to die as a vile murderer of innocent blood. The sting of blame, and the penalty for playing the role of a coward, cost Pilate not only his high office, but also his life!
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Day Ten
The Illegal Trial Of Jesus Christ
Changing The False Accusations
People's Court
Shekinah Fellowship
Room 101
Ms Suzy, Jurist in this court room:
When Jesus was forcibly hailed before the Sanhedrin for "trial," we note that there had not been any charges preferred against Him. Therefore, until some kind of a criminal offense had been first made against Him, He was unlawfully required to be there. It would be just as absurd a proceeding as if a group of soldiers and citizens had captured an individual and then brought him before a criminal court to be tried when no compliant of any kind had been registered with the court!
The high priest and the scribes engaged in a brief conference, checking to determine if their "false witnesses" had been notified to be before the court, to testify against Jesus. Having determined that they were present, Caiaphas called upon them to make their accusations. Here is what then happened:
"At last come two false witnesses, and said, This fellow said, I am able to destroy the Temple of God, and build it in three days."
Such a statement as that never fell from the lips of the Christ! Here are His exact words, on that subject, as related by John:
"Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up."
These two characters, in testifying against the Master, had purposely, corruptly and deliberately perverted the true language of Jesus in order to make it appear that He had actually threatened to do physical violence to the Temple of God. Such might be expected to come from those whom the high priest himself had denominated as false "witnesses!"
Jesus was, of course, referring to His Own Body as the "temple" which they had boasted of soon destroying. He was merely saying that, in such an event, He would raise His Body in three days. John gives the same explanation:
"He spake of the temple as His Body."
Regardless of the efforts to distort the words of the Christ, we find that the two witnesses were not in agreement as to their attempts to quote what each claimed to have heard Jesus say. And so, the testimony broke down, and the false charges had to be abandoned.
Up until this time Jesus had not spoken a single word. He gave evidence of His great contempt by His majestic silence! Indeed, even the hot~headed raging of the high priest failed to extract a single expression from the mouth of their prisoner. They were filled with consternation. How, they reasoned, would they be able to make Him talk. Then, like a flash, a clever thought was born in the warped brain of Caiaphas. He rushed from his seat, toward the body of Jesus, and in a loud and angry tone, exclaimed:
"I adjure Thee, by the Living God, tell us, art Thou the Christ, the Son of the Blessed?"
That was the one question which Jesus would answer, readily, even though it would of necessity, be the affirmation of His Divinity- and His condemnation- and death. So, without a moment’s hesitation, and in a clear and distinct tone, the Master replied:
"I Am, And ye shall see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of Heaven."
Not only did He tell them that He was indeed the Son of the Blessed, but that, after they had taken His life- as He well knew they would- they would see Him, after the resurrection, being lifted upon clouds into Heaven where He would be seated at the right hand of His Father, God Almighty!
The admission of this great truth greatly intensified the anger of the high priest, and he began tearing his robe, while stating to the other members of the Sanhedrin: "What need we any further witnesses? Ye have heard the blasphemy! What think ye?"
Being of one accord, they replied: "He is guilty to death!" What a trial! What a spectacle to behold! What a scene in the Jewish court, dedicated to the scared cause of liberty and equality and justice! What an indictment could be made against such rude, preposterous outbursts of hatred and cowardly conduct! There we see the presiding officer of the high court of the Jews personally making the accusation of "blasphemy," and then concluding himself that the court had no need for witnesses!
What was it the members of the court heard? Only the expression of truth- an admission by the Christ that He was the Son of God! And for having spoken the truth, they pronounced, unlawfully, the penalty of death! They knew that they had no such authority, for their Roman conquerors had stripped them of that power, years before.
They all condemned Jesus to be worthy of death! Because, as they said, He was guilty of blasphemy! Was the Christ guilty of blasphemy? An absurd inquiry! Nowhere could there be found any authority, anywhere, to make what Jesus had said the basis for such an accusation.
"Blasphemy" consists of cursing God. We have the benefit of a Biblical definition of that word, as found in the Revelations of John:
"And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme His name, and His tabernacles, and them that dwell in Heaven."
The accusation of the high priest was the utterance of a frenzied and prejudiced mind, amounting to nothing more than an illiterate conclusion!
Now we observe them taking the tired and sleepy Christ, before the break of day, to the palace of Pilate, the Roman Governor. Their purpose in doing this was to get Pilate to quickly and summarily approve of the supreme penalty that they had unlawfully imposed upon Jesus. They were hoping for an informal hearing, that they might begin their execution. But the Roman Governor was not only impatient but without affection for the Jews and their numerous religious controversies. He entertained no love for them whatever, and did not wish to be bothered with their many bickerings and disputes which, he felt, they themselves should settle. As soon as Pilate learned of their presence at the palace, he met them at the entrance gate, and said:
"What accusations bring ye against this Man?"
It was then that they replied with an air of snobbery and presumption:
"If He were not a malefactor, we would not have delivered Him up to thee."
Pilate told them to "take Him and judge Him according to your law."
Quickly realizing that they could not, lawfully, condemn one to die by the judgement of the Jewish courts, and doubting that Pilate would approve of their finding Him guilty of blasphemy, they made up an entirely new charge-without a moment’s notice to the prisoner or anyone:
"And they began to accuse Him, saying, we found this fellow perverting the Nation, and forbidding the giving of tribute to Caesar, saying that He Himself is Christ a King."
Jesus remained silent before the Governor of Rome. Well did he know that the charge of having "perverted the Nation and forbidding the giving of tribute to Caesar" was false to the very core. Therefore, Pilate marveled greatly that the Christ said not a word! Then Pilate took Jesus into the judgement hall, and said unto Him: "Art Thou the King of the Jews?" Jesus answered him:
"Sayest thou this thing thyself, or did others tell it thee of Me?"
Pilate then wanted to know what Jesus had done. And He answered:
"My kingdom is not of this world: If My kingdom were of this world, then would My servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews; but now is My kingdom not from hence."
Pilate soon became thoroughly convinced that Jesus had done no wrong; that the accusations made against Him were without foundation in fact, and he brought the Christ back to the high priest and his followers, and made this solem announcement:
"I find in Him no fault at all!"
That was a verdict of acquittal-a judgement of the Roman Governor that should have effected the release of the Prisoner. And it was the one verdict that fell hard upon the ears of the bewildered enemies of the Master. Having heard it, they seemed stunned and in a quandary. Then they came fourth with an entirely different accusation-this was the third-when they told Pilate this:
"He stirreth up the people, teaching throughout all Jewry, beginning from Galilee to this place!"
That last charge, while entirely false, was their clever way of telling Pilate that Jesus was from Galilee. Being a Galilean He would have to be tried before Herod, king of Judea. So, Pilate sent Him to Herod, who was in Jerusalem at this time.
It was noteworthy that there was a decided departure from the original charge lodged against Jesus before the Sanhedrin. For the Sanhedrin found Him guilty of "blasphemy." But when He was hailed before Pilate, they changed the charge to that of treason, and then to sedition. The Christ was guilty of neither.
Let us note what took place before King Herod, the reprobate:
"And when Herod saw Jesus he was exceedingly glad: for he was desirous to see Him for a long Season, because he had heard many things of Him: and he hoped to have seen some miracle done by Him."
Herod the murderer of John the Baptist, was still conscious of his wrongdoing in that respect, and was certainly unwilling to have his official acts, regarding the Christ, reported to his political boss, the Emperor of Rome.
Instead, then, of conducting what might be considered a serious and dignified examination of the complaints made by the Jews, Herod concluded, in his semi-drunken condition, to make sport of the Prisoner, in the hope of amusement for himself and the members of his court.
"Then he questioned Him in many words; but He answered him nothing."
Jesus was well acquainted with the character and reputation of this unfit king, Herod, who had, shortly before, sent a messenger to the Christ threatening to have Him killed, unless He left the country. But Jesus stood still there like a brave soldier, and answered him nothing!
And that same group of His enemies stood by, vehemently accusing Jesus before the King. Through it all, the Master maintained a majestic silence, as if ignoring the proceedings completely. It is highly probable that Jesus, being well versed in the laws of that day and time, felt that Herod had no right to question Him at all.
"And Herod, with his men of war, set Jesus at nought, and mocked Him, and arrayed Him in a purple robe and sent Him back to Pilate."
Once more we see the Christ standing before Pilate. By now Jesus was enveloped in fatigue, from loss of sleep and lack of food and rest. Pilate appears irritated. He frankly tells the high priest and the others there that they have done a vain thing. Here are the words, on that occasion:
"Ye have brought this Man unto me, as one that perverteth the people: and, behold, I, having examined Him before you, have found no fault in this Man touching those things whereof ye accuse Him: No, nor yet Herod: for I sent you to him; and, lo, nothing worthy of death is done unto Him. I will, therefore, chastise Him, and release Him."
What had Pilate just said? Once more, for the second time, he found Jesus guilty of no wrong-and reminded the mob that Herod had done nothing to Jesus. But, said Pilate, before I release Him, I will chastise Him! Since Pilate had said that Jesus was innocent of those charges made against Him, then for what earthy reason should the Christ be "chastised"? It was nothing less then a cowardly subterfuge. He thought that if Jesus were scourged, that would pacify the demands of those evil-hearted demons. But they were greatly dissatisfied with Pilate’s decision, and showed their anger in no uncertain manner.
Still seeking some way to get from under the burden of the situation, and, at the same time, trusting that he might appease the high priest and his followers, Pilate then proposed that, since it was the custom, during the Passover Feast, to release any prisoner they desired, he said to them:
"Whom will ye that I release unto you? Barabbas, or Jesus which is called Christ? For he knew that for envy they had delivered Him."
Here was Pilate placing the self-confessed seditionist and murder beside the sinless Christ, and asking that wild mob which of the two they preferred to be released! Pilate had hopes, though faint, that they might have a change of heart. But not that crowd, for murder filled their hearts, as they remained determined to take the life of Christ!
What a compromise to offer-what a proposal to be made by the Roman Governor to a mob of angry Jews!
"But the chief priests and elders persuaded the multitude that they should ask Barabbas, and destroy Jesus."
Here,again, we see the scheming Annas and his common son-in-law, Caiaphas, urging the mob to call for the release of Barabbas. Release Barabbas-so that they might destroy Jesus! What a wild scene! What a disgraceful picture!
"The Governor answered and said unto them, Whether of the twain will ye that I release unto you!"
They said "Barabbas!"
Pilate, somewhat exasperated and impatient, said unto them:
"What shall I do with Jesus which is called Christ?"
Why, oh, why, ask such a question! What had Jesus done? Pilate had repeatedly said he was not guilty of any wrongdoing. What he should have done with Jesus was to release Him. But he was afraid to do so, afraid of that band of Jews whose continued anger he sought to avoid.
"They all said unto Him, Let Him be crucified!"
Pilate ignored the plea of his wife to "have nothing to do with that just Man." He called Jesus back into the inner court of the temple, to question Him further, but Jesus remained silent, as before. Then Pilate, for the third time, said he found no wrong in Jesus. Then the Jews cried out:
"Away with Him, Away with Him, crucify Him!"
Yes, it must be admitted that while Pilate sought several times to release Jesus, he just didn’t have the courage of his convictions. He was, truly, a coward!
Then Pilate said to them:
"Shall I crucify your king?"
The mob, quick to respond, said "We have no king but Caesar."
Sensing that Pilate feared them, because of his dread that they might report him to the Emperor, placing his job in jeopardy, they hurled the defiant threat toward Pilate:
"If thou let this Man go, thou art not Caesar’s friend; whosoever maketh himself a king speaketh against Caesar."
That did it! Those last remarks placed the pallid flag of fear into the face of Pilate, and he gave in to the demands of evil men. He deliberately ignored all sense of justice and sacrificed his self-respect to quite the howls of a raging mob!
"Then released he Barabbas unto them; and when he had scourged Jesus, he delivered Him to be crucified. Then the soldiers of the Governor took Jesus unto the common hall, and gathered unto Him the whole band of soldiers. And they stripped Him, and put on a scarlet robe. And when they had platted a crown of thorns, they put it on His head, and a reed in His right hand. And they bowed the knee before Him, and mocked Him, saying: Hail, King of the Jews! And they spit upon Him, and took the reed, and smote Him on the head. And after that they had mocked Him, they took the robe of from Him, and put His own raiment on Him, and led Him away to crucify Him."
Therefore, with no friend near who was willing to speak a single good word in His behalf; no friend there to protect Him in His legal rights, Jesus was led away by the fiendish and cruel mob, in preparation for the great ordeal-death, alone, on Calvary’s cross!
This final word:
The record reflects that, through it all, the Son of God never once made a single murmur or compliant over the many insults heaped upon Him. No, not even when they crushed the crown of thorns so deeply into His precious brow that His eyes became filled with blood! Yes, He was brave enough to bear it, alone, in the true spirit of voluntary submission. He knew that He was then carrying out the will of His Heavenly Father, and fulfilling the prophecies without neither counting the cost nor complaining of the great pain! And the true measure of that pain and that anguish, which He silently bore, for the sins of mankind, is far, very far, beyond the pale of human imagination!

"God, He's the God of love. He is for us
and loves us. Why is He allowing this kind of
hardship to befall us? Why is God allowing
me to go through this kind of tribulation if
He exists? Where is God? I lived so honestly,
but why do I have to go through this?"
If we objectively think about this, we see
that people think that they are walking
God's path because they read the Bible and
give offering, regardless of the fact that
they live following their own thoughts
without knowing the precise will of God.
How could that path be the same as God's
when they do not have ears to hear the
voice of God and do not know the deep
heart of God? That is why God leads us.
What happens when a fish is caught in a
net while it is swimming in the sea? It becomes
entangled. "What did I just run
into?" It turns around and swims and it is
Then again while it is swimming
around, it runs into something. Then the
space becomes smaller and smaller, and
eventually it is captured. God puts us into
His net and leads us into His world. That is
why we run into things as we go on to do
something. When we turn around from the
frustration, it seems for a little while that
things are okay, but we crash into something
It is because we are in God's
net. Our lives become much better when
we fully understand this.
Spiritual life is believing in
God. To have faith, we have to first realize
that our methods are wrong.
When you become
freed from your ways, you are able to
have the faith to believe in God. Right then
God works with power inside of us.
of how your thoughts have been until
now, empty all of those thoughts and listen
to the Word God speaks to you. Incline your
ears to the voice of God. If you hear the
voice of God, it is no longer the path you
go. It is the path God takes.
Through hearing
the voice of God, Noah started to build
the ark, Abraham gained a son, and Moses
went before Pharaoh. They were not paths
of their own, but paths God showed them. I
hope that you will not take your own paths,
but walk the path of God.
Then again while it is swimming
around, it runs into something. Then the
space becomes smaller and smaller, and
eventually it is captured. God puts us into
His net and leads us into His world. That is
why we run into things as we go on to do
something. When we turn around from the
frustration, it seems for a little while that
things are okay, but we crash into something
It is because we are in God's
net. Our lives become much better when
we fully understand this.
Spiritual life is believing in
God. To have faith, we have to first realize
that our methods are wrong.
When you become
freed from your ways, you are able to
have the faith to believe in God. Right then
God works with power inside of us.
of how your thoughts have been until
now, empty all of those thoughts and listen

to the Word God speaks to you. Incline your
ears to the voice of God. If you hear the
voice of God, it is no longer the path you
go. It is the path God takes.
Through hearing
the voice of God, Noah started to build
the ark, Abraham gained a son, and Moses
went before Pharaoh. They were not paths
of their own, but paths God showed them. I
hope that you will not take your own paths,
but walk the path of God.

The man looked left and right: there were similar stone rectangles, peeping from the sands. Calling his dog to heel, the shepherd resolved to inform someone of his finds when he got back to the village. Maybe the stones were important.

Day Twelve
The Illegal Trial Of Jesus Christ
No Lawful Conviction On Confession Alone
People's Court
Shekinah Fellowship
Room 101
Ms Suzy, Jurist in this court room:
It has now been definitely established that the final charge against Jesus, before the Sanhedrin, and upon which He was sentenced to be crucified by the Jews, was that of "blasphemy."
We recall that, as soon as Jesus had made the truthful admission, in response to the direct inquiry of the high priest, that He was the Son of God, the proceedings in the Sanhedrin were abruptly halted by Caiaphas who, with his cohorts, adjudged the Christ guilty of the charge of blasphemy, because of His admission, and that He was then condemned to death.
Therefore, it must now be admitted that Jesus was convicted and condemned, before the Jewish court, solely upon His own confession to being the Son of God. Witnesses were not used upon either side. The Jews felt that they needed none, and they denied Jesus His right to obtain them for Him.
The records of court proceedings, in all the world, from the days of Adam to the resent time, reveal that there can be found no parallel and no precedent for condemning one upon his own confession, without supporting witnesses. Civilization just would not tolerate such a practice. And, where it has happened before, it was outside of courts, and, in limited and isolated instances, only where mob~rule prevailed! So, then, the only exception can be found in the "trial" of Jesus before the Jewish highest court in Judea, in the year A.D.30! And the pages of that record are so dark, and so disreputable, that, for the next almost two thousand years, none have dared to exemplify such tactics, or use them as justification for taking human life!
What then, in defense of the Jews as a group? Did the Jewish society, in those days, when Jesus was "tried" approve of such tactics? They most assuredly did not! Let us turn to the solemn pronouncement of the Hebrew laws on that subject:
" We have it as a fundamental principle of our jurisprudence that no one can bring an accusation against himself. Moreover, a voluntary confession on his part is not admitted in evidence, and therefore not competent to convict, unless a legal number of witnesses minutely corroborate his self~accusation."
Note how simple and unambiguous is this statement of jewish law. In plain language-easily understood-admitting of no confusion, even to the simple minded-that no one can bring an accusation against himself; that one who volunteers a confession, the same cannot be considered in court as evidence, unless a legal number of witnesses minutely corroborate his self~accusation!
Did they not convict and condem Jesus upon His voluntary confession that He was the Son of God? And, did they require that the legal number of witnesses, in detail, support that confession? The answers to the inquiries are self evident.
Let it be said, to the full credit of the early Jewish lawmakers of Israel, that they did prepare and gain the approval of many ancient and sound legal principles, and rules of orderly court procedures, which, if properly and fairly administered and enforced, would have been sufficient, substantial safeguards for the protection of those charged with crime. Indeed, the protective laws were ample; but the trouble came by the haphazard and, too frequently, spiteful manner in which they were trampled upon and deliberately ignored-by the very crowd of judges who had sworn to uphold and enforce them!
Had the Christ been given the full benefit of existing Hebrew laws, as well as impartiality and fairness in the application and enforcement of them. He would never have been subjected to the series of cruelties, humiliations, and acts of brutality which were so wrongfully imposed by corrupt and unprincipiled administrators. And, to be sure, it was not a matter of being ignorant of that, as well as all other laws, of the Jewish society, because we know that each member of the Sanhedrin was required to be well versed in the laws of Israel, before being permitted to accept appointments therein.
Spite, ill-will and hatred moved their hearts and minds against the Christ. Nothing else mattered with them.
Too frequently men have been known to make what appeared to be an open, free and voluntary confession of a crime which they had not committed, in order to "cover~up" for some friend or relative. Then, again, there are instances where it later developed, from thorough investigation, that the crime, for which the accused "confessed" had never been committed at all, by anyone! And this is always a tragic spectacle. It is noteworthy that, the principle of the Hebrew law which prohibited the confession of the accused without corroborative testimony of others, is still the law of every civilized Nation in the world. This, to say the least, bespeaks the wisdom of those early framers of the Jewish statutes, several hundred years prior to the birth of Jesus.
Having condemned Jesus to die, solely upon what may be called His "confession," or rather, to use a better word, His "admission," that He was the Christ, without the required production of the legal number of witnesses, placed the high preist, and the entire membership of the Sanhedrin, into the category of law-violaters themselves; because they, undoubtedly, breached the solem laws on that subject.
Soon we will have a discussion respecting the legal number of witnesses which had to be produced by the prosecution before a conviction could be valid.

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I’ve never tried it, but I’m told it works great.
"As smartphones become ubiquitous accessories, unexpected consequences can result. In this blog post, InfoWorld's Galen Gruman looks at some of the unintended consequences of mobile technology's ubiquity, in which very useful technology can also raise issues. For example, the US Army has put out a training video to tell troops how to disable the location detection on iPhones and Androids so they can't be tracked when on deployment. That's just one example of the behavior and awareness that most people haven't yet grokked. Others involve cameras, microphones, and USB drives." You need to know this for your safety and the safety of your family members. Check it out!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Southern CA Bible Prophecy Conference

If your in the area then you might want to go to this. These are some of the heavy hitters on the topic today hands down! I don't usually do this but I know that this is something that you won't want to miss. With all of the corruption and fast paced changes going on around us it is good to see what God's Word has to say.
Monday, December 20, 2010
I have an Eh~Sus Netbook — A-suh-ss? Ah-sue-ss? As-ses? Nope, all wrong. We've been informed by ASUS that its head honcho has recently set a new rule in an attempt to ri...
My choice for my next netbook is~
NEC Plans To Reveal A Dual-screen Android Tablet At CES — NEC plans to show off a dual-screen tablet running on Android at the Consumer Electronics Show in January. According to reports, the new tablet wil... 1 day 18 hr ago
The Government Shall Be Upon HIS Shoulder — If you plan to be out-and-about in public with a camera, or give a camera as a gift, know a photographer's rights. Even in this fear-filled world...
Inspite of what our leadership is doing for their own gains, God's Word tells all of us:
For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
Isaiah 9:6For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
Revelation 12:5And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne.
Revelation 19:15And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010

The Disney-ization of Faith
While we are on the topic...
These guys manipulated circumstances to obtain what they thought would bring them more of this earths offerings. Now it is time to pay.
Friday, December 10, 2010
2 Corinthians 5:10For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad.
Wikileaks Reveals U.S. Tax Dollars Fund Child Sex Slavery in Afghanistan
The 24-hour Athenian democracy: "We are Everywhere. We are everyone. We are Anonymous."
Dutch "high tech crime team" arrests 16 year old boy as the main suspect for the attacks on Paypal and Mastercard.
Anonymous starts OPERATION: LEAKSPIN. Instead of DDOS attacks, calls for distributing of interesting wikileaks material.
Key FBI whistleblower: Had WikiLeaks existed, 9/11, Iraq war ‘could have been prevented’
Ex-Wikileaks staff to launch rival site "Openleaks," in protest against Assange
Confirmed - UN Troops Likely Source of Haitian Cholera - and Cover Up.
Bin Laden worked for US till 9/11: "It is important to understand why: the US outsourced terror operations to al Qaeda and the Taliban for many years, promoting the Islamization of Central Asia in an attempt to personally profit off military sales as well as oil and gas concessions."
The leaked US diplomatic cables reveal just what multinational oil companies are up against in the Niger Delta. Security forces are ineffective and involved in dubious oil deals. The government demands millions in bribes. Even university students have earned pocket money by working as kidnappers.
Wow, Glenn Beck blasts Sarah Palin, Chertoff, Lieberman, et al on their stance on Wikileaks.
Wikileaks Reveals U.S. Tax Dollars Fund Child Sex Slavery in Afghanistan
The 24-hour Athenian democracy: "We are Everywhere. We are everyone. We are Anonymous."
Dutch "high tech crime team" arrests 16 year old boy as the main suspect for the attacks on Paypal and Mastercard.
Anonymous starts OPERATION: LEAKSPIN. Instead of DDOS attacks, calls for distributing of interesting wikileaks material.
Key FBI whistleblower: Had WikiLeaks existed, 9/11, Iraq war ‘could have been prevented’
Ex-Wikileaks staff to launch rival site "Openleaks," in protest against Assange
Confirmed - UN Troops Likely Source of Haitian Cholera - and Cover Up.
Bin Laden worked for US till 9/11: "It is important to understand why: the US outsourced terror operations to al Qaeda and the Taliban for many years, promoting the Islamization of Central Asia in an attempt to personally profit off military sales as well as oil and gas concessions."
The leaked US diplomatic cables reveal just what multinational oil companies are up against in the Niger Delta. Security forces are ineffective and involved in dubious oil deals. The government demands millions in bribes. Even university students have earned pocket money by working as kidnappers.
Wow, Glenn Beck blasts Sarah Palin, Chertoff, Lieberman, et al on their stance on Wikileaks.
Thursday, December 09, 2010
Revealing the Star of Bethlehem
Wednesday, December 08, 2010
Tuesday, December 07, 2010
Pearl Harbor was attacked on this day in 1941
A repeat of sorts:
On the 69th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor: my Grandfather's recount of that day, and his time in the Navy.
Pearl Harbor Bombings - Radio Broadcasts from Dec. 7, 1941
Texas historians preserving WWII concentration camp - The roundups began in earnest almost immediately after the Dec. 7 attack on Pearl Harbor and the United States' entry into World War II.
Today is the 69th anniversary of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. For the 3,000 or so remaining survivors of the attacks, it might as well have happened yesterday
In 1925, a British Intel Officer wrote a book concerning a likely Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and the Philippines; 1932 US forces practiced war games for such an attack; 1936 Japanese War College Students were asked how they would attack Pearl Harbor. Who knew an attack would come in 1941?
69 Years Later, Sailor Durrell Conner Recounts Pearl Harbor Attack
Pearl Harbor Photos Found In An Old Brownie Stored In A Foot Locker. And Just Recently Taken To Be Developed. Photos Are From A Sailor Who Was On The USS QUAPAW ATF-11O.
Pearl Harbor - Mother of All Conspiracies
John Finn dies at 100; oldest surviving Pearl Harbor Medal of Honor recipient. Wounded numerous times by bullets and shrapnel, Finn refused to be evacuated. His leadership and courage gave heart to dazed sailors to begin fighting back against the new enemy.
The Needless US Pacific War with Japan - Courtesy of FDR - "America provoked Japan to such an extent that the Japanese were forced to attack Pearl Harbor. It is a travesty on history, even to say that America was forced into the war."
68 years ago, Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. The US gov't knew of Japan's fleet and its movements. The US engaged in a policy to *provoke* Japan into attacking. Much of what we were taught of this attack has been *proven* wrong.
Admiral George Stephen Morrison had an interesting career in the Navy: he fought in Pearl Harbor, commanded an Aircraft Carrier during the Vietnam War and helped the evacuation of people from Saigon. He also had a son, Jim, who became quite famous.
A repeat of sorts:
On the 69th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor: my Grandfather's recount of that day, and his time in the Navy.
Pearl Harbor Bombings - Radio Broadcasts from Dec. 7, 1941
Texas historians preserving WWII concentration camp - The roundups began in earnest almost immediately after the Dec. 7 attack on Pearl Harbor and the United States' entry into World War II.
Today is the 69th anniversary of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. For the 3,000 or so remaining survivors of the attacks, it might as well have happened yesterday
In 1925, a British Intel Officer wrote a book concerning a likely Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and the Philippines; 1932 US forces practiced war games for such an attack; 1936 Japanese War College Students were asked how they would attack Pearl Harbor. Who knew an attack would come in 1941?
69 Years Later, Sailor Durrell Conner Recounts Pearl Harbor Attack
Pearl Harbor Photos Found In An Old Brownie Stored In A Foot Locker. And Just Recently Taken To Be Developed. Photos Are From A Sailor Who Was On The USS QUAPAW ATF-11O.
Pearl Harbor - Mother of All Conspiracies
John Finn dies at 100; oldest surviving Pearl Harbor Medal of Honor recipient. Wounded numerous times by bullets and shrapnel, Finn refused to be evacuated. His leadership and courage gave heart to dazed sailors to begin fighting back against the new enemy.
The Needless US Pacific War with Japan - Courtesy of FDR - "America provoked Japan to such an extent that the Japanese were forced to attack Pearl Harbor. It is a travesty on history, even to say that America was forced into the war."
68 years ago, Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. The US gov't knew of Japan's fleet and its movements. The US engaged in a policy to *provoke* Japan into attacking. Much of what we were taught of this attack has been *proven* wrong.
Admiral George Stephen Morrison had an interesting career in the Navy: he fought in Pearl Harbor, commanded an Aircraft Carrier during the Vietnam War and helped the evacuation of people from Saigon. He also had a son, Jim, who became quite famous.

Have you ever been curious about why the Wise Men or the Magi came to visit Jesus upon His birth? How did they know exactly when to arrive? And how did they know where to look for the new coming King? How in the world would they find an infant in this far away nation. It would be akin to looking for a needle in a haystack. When did these wise men know when to precisely leave for this likely year long journey?
In the first place, the Bible doesn't mention precisely mention that there were only three of them (Luke 2:1-12). There may have been more than three. They did bring at least three types of gifts, but these were customary gifts to kings in this age. Also, there most certainly could have been more than three offerings. And the question of why would they bring gifts has been asked? It was certainly customary to have dignitaries from several nations be present for a coronation of a new king (Glory to the newborn King). And no one would approach a king without a gift or without bringing an offering.
How did these wise men from the entire known world at the time, know Who to look for, what to look for, when to find Him, and where to find the soon-to-be-born King and Messiah? They apparently already knew the why of finding Him from Daniel's written messages recorded for posterity in Babylonia. When Daniel and Israel where being held captive by Babylonia, they imported their religion and history, including their knowledge of God with them. These conquests also included gathering up all wise men of the Medes, Persian, and all nations under his rule for the kings private council and the nations under Babylon's domination represented all the know peoples, nations and languages that were known at this time (Dan 6:3, 6:25).
Daniel was apparently in this council and not only that, he was the head over it all (Dan. 5:29, 6:1-3). Since Daniel had previously proven to Nebuchadnezzar, and most recently, King Darius, that God does exist and knows not only the whispers in a king's chamber, but his dreams too, he had placed Daniel as the highest authority (next to the king) in Babylonia. This included the position of Governor, placing Daniel over all authorities in the greatest kingdom of that present world. And subsequently, this included reigning over all wise men (Dan. 2:12, 48).
Ironically, Daniel's title was actually rab mag or "chief of the Magi" (Dan. 5:11). But after thousands of years had passed since Daniels pronouncement of a soon coming king, how did they know exactly when and where to arrive? And how was Daniel able to predict the exact date of the Messiah's arrival (Dan. 2:12-48, 9:24-26)?
Daniel was a man of prayer and Gabriel answered his prayer and told Daniel not only when He would come, but when He would be crucified (Dan. 9). The location must have obviously been common knowledge to these Wise Men, otherwise they could only have guessed at it. And only guessing about the when and where of the Messiah's birth would have been sheer, blind luck for them to ever find Him. If it was too early, they would have missed Him and if they were too late, baby Jesus and His parents would have already fled to Egypt (Matt. 2:13).
The book of Daniel makes it obvious that he foreknew when the coming Savior would be born and He must have known where but this was also reveal to other prophets as well and so was still common knowledge even in the minor prophet's day (Micah 5:2). Since Daniel was the leading Magi of the nation he was being held captive in, it makes sense that this was taught to the nation and was incorporated into their religious prophecies. Eastern religions had long used astrology to try and predict certain events and this star was obvious to them the sign they had almost certainly looked for. Ancient eastern customs and prophecies had long predicted a world ruling king to be born in this same time. This was a residue of Daniels teachings that were recorded for posterity and remained to the day of Christ's birth.
During this time in history (5 AD-0) nations were expecting a great king coming out of the Jews. These nations may have been influenced by Daniel and his writings, since he knew when and where the Christ would be born (Micah 5:2). The ancient Persians and the Hebrews had similar beliefs, more than any other nation at that time. They also believed in one God, did not worship idols and saw light as a symbol of God.
How perfectly fitting that Bethlehem would be the birthplace of the Savior since the name means "house of bread". He is known as the Bread of Life and that He was in a manger which is a feeding trough that usually had grain. This fits with Jesus saying "I am the Bread of Life". But where exactly would they find Baby Jesus and how? They had been following the star, but this only pointed them in the right direction, toward Judea. But how could they know exactly where to find Him in a fairly large country or city? The Old Testament prophet Micah knew the Savior would be born in Bethlehem. Daniel must have known this and passed this on to others in Babylonia. He had already recorded the number of days until this prophecy was to be fulfilled (to the minute!).
And "...when they saw the star, they rejoiced, with exceeding great joy (Matt. 2:10)" knowing this must be the place. But it was only when the star came directly over [literally, "stood over" like someone or something stood over] the child did they knew for certain where the infant would be. This explains the "exceeding great joy", since they had finally found Him. After perhaps a year or more, and having traveled thousands of miles, with no map, no guide, only a star to guide then, they now beheld the star. This star had shown them precisely where the new King was. Herod the king and all the so-called religious experts; the Chief Priests and Scribes could, could not even find Him, lest Herod would have had him killed (Matt. 2:3). But foreigners, from another continent away, knew exactly when, where, and how to find Him. They followed the star and apparently knew when this epic event would happen.
The Christmas tree often has a star on it. The Star of David, Jesus Christ, Lord of Lords and King of Kings, is described as a star...He is the Bright and Shinning Star, and also called the Bright and Morning Star and even a Saving Star (Ish. 60:1-4, Rev. 22:16, Num. 24:17). The Great "I Am" is He! Every child who has ever worried about Santa finding their home is dwarfed by the question of how the Wise Men found Baby Jesus. Daniel, inspired by the Holy Spirit and informed by Gabriel, must have been responsible. If we are wise, then we too will find Jesus. We know where to find Him. And Jesus stays with us every day of the year.
Engaged in the traditional celebration of Christmas, we may minimize the significance of the visit of the Magi to Bethlehem. In fact, the traditional date of Epiphany, January 6, often passes unnoticed in our churches. Yet it has implications for all people, even outside the Hebrew tradition and faith. For centuries the Jews have awaited the coming of their messiah. Yet the visit of the Magi reveals God's intention to make known that this Child had come for all people, for all are created in God's image. Our Creator's continual desire is to be known and acknowledged by each of us.
The Gospel narrative of the coming of the Magi presents us with at least three considerations. First, having heard about and celebrated the coming of Jesus, the Messiah, we must continually seek him. Then, once having found Christ, we must acknowledge His divinity through our daily living. And finally, as we reflect on the gifts presented by the Magi, we can see their significance for Jesus and for us:
This is one metal that is universally considered precious. The gift of gold, representative of royalty, affirms that Jesus, the Son of God, is Lord and ruler of the people of the earth.
This fragrant resin was used by the priests in their ultimate offerings to the Most High. It was symbolic of the priesthood of Jesus and His life as the supreme offering on behalf of God's people.
This balsam was of multiple uses—as an offering, as a component for consecration oil, or mixed with wine to strengthen and give courage to those condemned to die. The gift of myrrh signaled the consecration of Jesus as the atonement for our sins.
Like the Magi, having celebrated the birth of Jesus, reflected on the purpose of His life and mission, and experienced our personal encounter with Him, we cannot return to our previous lifestyle as the same persons on the same road. We return as changed persons, on a different road, to lead a new life.
Praising God, acknowledging with Paul that in Christ there is no difference between Jews and Gentiles, between slaves and free men, between men and women, but we are all one in Christ, and considering how this truth is to affect your daily acts.
Praying throughout this new year that this confession of our faith may be confirmed in our daily living at home, in our nation, and in our relationships with other people.
Faithfully working toward the day until God calls us home, and hopefully we'd hear Him say, "well done my good and faithful servant...
Matthew records that the Wise Men found the child after following the star. The word for child is different than the word for baby. A child was no longer considered an infant. Clearly the language shows that Jesus was not a newborn. There are a number of Christmas plays and programs that depict the Wise Men arriving with the shepherds and giving their treasures to the baby Jesus. There is no way that the Wise Men arrived with the shepherds.
Nowhere does the Biblical record describe these men as kings. We hear the song We Three Kings and take it for gospel. The Wise Men were Magi, a class of advisers that were part of the Babylonian society. The Magi were well known for various skills such as, diplomacy, the interpretation of dreams, and politics.
Nowhere does Matthew tell us that there were three Wise Men and there are no names given. In the Middle Ages names were attributed to the Wise Men but there is no scriptural basis for this. The Wise Men created an incredible stir when they entered Jerusalem and
this implies that there was a large group of people traveling with the Wise Men. The Wise Men traveled from the East and likely from the area of Babylon. This would have been a journey of nearly 900 miles and would have months of travel time. These Magi would have not traveled alone and would have likely been accompanied by an armed caravan. The only time that the number three is even implied is with the three treasures, gold, frankincense and myrrh.
Even with the mystery and intrigue that the visit of the Wise Men created there is something that we can know for sure, they gave more than three gifts. There were only three earthly treasures as I mentioned above but there was the gift of personal worship. However many Wise Men there were, they bowed down and worshipped Jesus. The fourth and often forgotten gift is one that we need to remember because it was more important and far more valuable than any of the treasures. Wise Men give the gift of worship to Jesus...
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