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Tuesday, November 20, 2007

I don't think that this guy understands that there is a spiritual war going on. There are those who desire to not allow Christians to speak in the cultural marketplace of ideas. There is a concerted attempt to remove Christ from the traditional time of the year that Christians choose to celebrate His birth. I know that I can't just sit by and not speak up in protest as I perceive the marginalization of Christ Birth in the market place of ideas. We Christians have just as much right to speak up as anyone else. I am pleased when I hear of anyone who takes a stand against the tide.

He is the reason for the season! It offends me to see Christians lie down and take it! Merry Christmas has become a bad thing? As I see Star Bucks and others allude to Christmas in their ads while keeping a safe distance from actually coming out and using the banned greeting, I am stirred up inside. I make a point to tell anyone who says 'Happy Holiday' to me about my Savior who was born on a truly Holy day...a Happy Holiday for humankind. A Merry Christmas.

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