Do you have a longing this morning for a richer, more abundant life? Then let the word of Christ dwell in you richly. Shall we have these great spiritual awakenings this next year all over this country and Canada? Then let us realize in our lives Christ's promise that out of your inmost selves shall flow Jordans of living water.
Spirituality costs. Shall we pay what it costs? May the Spirit of God help us to answer that question.
Seek the Spiritual Power that God Wants to Give.
The great need of the church today is Kingdom power. I have known a measure of that power in my life. It is something you experience, and it is something that works. It is not political power, or even the authority to rule over others (that kind of power is different and is not wise for us to seek after it - let God appoint you if He wants to).
The spiritual power we should seek is the power to reveal Christ as Savior, Lord and Healer and to influence people to repent. It is the power to defeat demons in their work of defiling human beings with sin and sickness. The Holy Spirit will work powerfully to convict people of sin and lead them to repentance if we let Him convict us and lead us to repentance first. God will give us power to defeat demons if we are willing to obey Him. But what is God actually asking from us?
God wants us to love Him and others. We can express this love in praise and worship towards God, and in acts of mercy and truth towards others. Building on that foundation, we can pray and fast for the revelation of the power of God in and through our lives.
Fasting (not eating) is a way to humble ourselves, hear the voice of God and express strong desire towards God. It multiplies the power of our prayers. Fasting was practiced by all the great Bible saints and by the apostles and prophets as well. It is a major key to spiritual power.
God wants us to "eagerly desire spiritual gifts" (1 Corinthians 14:1) - but these gifts only work effectively in the context of the moving of the power of God. Spiritual gifts are helpful to reveal God and bring others closer to Him. They are not given to make us look powerful, clever or important. They are given to glorify Jesus Christ.
Spiritual power is a key to waking up sleeping Christians. It is an essential ingredient in successful evangelism. I challenge all Christians to go after that power that Jesus promised. "You will receive power" after the Holy Spirit comes upon you.
There are at least two kinds of spiritual authority. One is authority over demons, and the other is authority over other people. Every true Christian has authority over demons by walking and speaking "in the name of Jesus". The only time we don't have authority over demons is when for whatever reason, we are somehow submitting to their influence. The best way to avoid this is to practice meditation on the Word of God.
The spiritual authority that goes with leadership in human affairs is a very dangerous thing to covet. God always puts a person through many trials to effectively prepare them to handle this kind of authority. God requires an account regarding the people He gave us authority to lead (Hebrews 13:17-19). Humility comes before exaltation - pride comes before a fall.
If we seek influence or position for ourselves, and use manipulation or other fleshly tactics to obtain it, we are playing with fire, and making a serious mistake. Let God promote you.
Whatever influence you obtain through the power of the flesh must be maintained by the power of the flesh. A leader who has been promoted by God is not insecure about his position. A leader who has used manipulation to obtain his position is very often manipulative and controlling in exercising that leadership.
Paul told Timothy not to appoint novices to positions of spiritual authority, lest they become proud and fall into the condemnation of the devil.
Even though we may greatly desire to be used by God, it is best to wait upon God and allow Him to call us up higher, rather than trying to promote ourselves. Anyway, high positions carry high responsibilities, and to serve in these positions faithfully requires much sacrifice and suffering.
I'm not rushing after these things any more - the only way I will do it is by the clear invitation of God.
Many who are first shall be last, and the last first. Don't seek spiritual authority - seek intimacy of relationship with God. He will then give grace to get through the trials you must endure to carry the spiritual authority you must carry for His glory and not your own.