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Saturday, June 13, 2009


"Perhaps most amazing of all, is the presence of an under water pathway. Along the length of the the Gulf of Aquaba, depths reach to an average of one mile and the Egyptian shoreline drops steeply under water at a slope of about 45 degrees. If the Israelites had tried to have crossed anywhere else along the Gulf of Aquaba they would have been faced with an extremely steep drop to about one mile. With all of their animals and wagons, the task would have been practically impossible. Only here, on the shores of Nuweiba, does the 'pathway' drop off at a gradual slope of one in fourteen, to a depth of just over 850 meters. On the Saudi side the slope climbs again at a slope of one in ten. The Bible describes it as, "Away in the sea and a " path in the mighty waters" (Isaiah 43:16, 17) The distance from Nuweiba to Saudi Arabia is about 9.6 miles. And the width of the under water bridge is estimated to be 900 meters."