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“For it has been granted to you on behalf of Christ not only to believe in him, but also to suffer for him,” -Philippians 1:29
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Saturday, October 31, 2009

Build a Silent, Standalone XBMC Media Center On the Cheap
lifehacker.com — You won't find a better media center than the open-source XBMC, but most people don't have the space or desire to plug a noisy PC into their TV. Instead, I converted a cheap nettop into a standalone XBMC set-top box. Here's how.
lifehacker.com — You won't find a better media center than the open-source XBMC, but most people don't have the space or desire to plug a noisy PC into their TV. Instead, I converted a cheap nettop into a standalone XBMC set-top box. Here's how.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
When was the last time you exercised the gift of tongues?
I know that in all the years that I had attended Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa (Since 1967) I rarely heard anyone speaking in tongues there.
Seems like all of the gifts of the Holy Spirit are marginalized in most churches even though they may be taught about while going through those Biblical passages that mention them.
The Holy Spirit is a person and not a force or a power. Paul the apostle even admonished to not 'quench' this person.
1 Thessalonians 5:19Quench not the Spirit.
Paul also said:
1 Corinthians 14:5I would that ye all spake with tongues...
1 Corinthians 14:18I thank my God, I speak with tongues more than ye all:
Univ of Phil. study examines people who speak in tongues with MRI which proves the speech center is not working.

Seems like all of the gifts of the Holy Spirit are marginalized in most churches even though they may be taught about while going through those Biblical passages that mention them.
The Holy Spirit is a person and not a force or a power. Paul the apostle even admonished to not 'quench' this person.
1 Thessalonians 5:19Quench not the Spirit.
Paul also said:
1 Corinthians 14:5I would that ye all spake with tongues...
1 Corinthians 14:18I thank my God, I speak with tongues more than ye all:
Univ of Phil. study examines people who speak in tongues with MRI which proves the speech center is not working.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009

But he went on, "My first point is this. At this time there are approximately 2 and 1\2 billion people starving to death in the world."
The reaction through the congregation was about the same, since they'd heard that sort of statement many times before, too. And then he said,"My second point..."
Everybody sat up. Only ten or fifteen seconds had passed, and he was already on his second point?
He paused, then said, "My second point is that most of you don't give a damn!"
He paused again as gasps and rumblings flowed across the congregation, and then said:
"And my third point is that the real tragedy among Christians today is that many of you are now more concerned that I said 'damn' than you are that I said that 2 and 1\2 billion people are starving to death." Then he sat down.
The whole sermon took less than a minute, but it is in many ways one of the most powerful ones ever given. In no uncertain terms, he was reminding those of us stuck in our pews that we are called to action, not to fancy words. We are members of the kingdom of God, not the kingdom of niceness and respectability.
The Christian life is not what it seems. Oftentimes we can become (sometimes without even being aware of it) committed to our own happy idea about the Christian faith. We become addicted to comfort and convenience, the good life, convinced it is somehow related to the truth of Scripture. Deep down, we want to believe that if we're Christians we should be good people and good things should happen to us.
But that's not what Christ calls us to. The problem with the "success gospel" is that you can't preach it to two-thirds of the world. I am well aware that we don't need more guilt to paralyze us, but all of us could stand a little more honesty and responsibility. In fact, even as I write these words I am also quite aware that I am still much more a part of the problem than of the solution.
Our religiosity, our 'respectability' our 'niceness' can actually get in the way. When we feel the basic purpose of our faith is to be nice and good, we are confusing the expressions of the lifestyle with the purpose of it. Some of us really believe that the point of Christianity is to look good and have a good Christian reputation. But the kingdom of God is a life changing, life transforming experience. It's more than just...respectability and niceness.
Jesus, to the contrary, was shocking, astonishing, loving, daring, revolutionary, kind, caring, compassionate...but nice?
To have experienced Christ, to have encountered Jesus of Nazareth, to have run headlong into the person of God in the flesh must have been like stepping into the path of a hurricane. Jesus promises us at least four things- peace, power, purpose...and trouble. God doesn't promise a carefree life; He promises peace and joy in the midst of trouble (John 16:33). There is danger in the midst of to much security and He knew it.
Sometimes, we are forced into the 'niceness' rut, and find it almost impossible to climb out. Even our spiritual leaders have to fight this mentality.
We have to get out of our comfort zones and be willing to get real with God and respond to His direction and His divine appointments with others that will come about. Be willing to put all our trust and confidence in Him and not in ourselves. Suffer loss of our self made positions and take action without caring about the opinions of others. We are going to serve the Living God.
We are going to re~present Christ to our world. We are not going to try to please everybody, we are going to serve the Lord.
1 Thessalonians 2:4 (New International Reader's Version)
In fact, it is just the opposite. God has accepted us to preach. He has trusted us with the good news. We aren't trying to please people. We want to please God. He puts our hearts to the test.
To preach the gospel message, to evangelise the world around us. Not to just sit in pews doing nothing but listening to others tell us stuff over and over again...
"There is nothing quite so nauseating or pathetic as the flesh trying to be holy."
Major Ian Thomas

He has made provision for our healing, for Jesus Christ was manifested to destroy the works of the devil (1 John 3:8), whether sin, sickness, or death, so that we may be preserved blameless in spirit, soul, and body unto His glorious appearing. Faithful is He that calleth you, who also will do it (1 Thess. 5:24).
One of the greatest hindrances to healing is the absense of certain, definite knowledge as to God's will. There is lurking in most of us a feeling that He may not be willing, that we have to persuade Him to heal us.
People often say, "I know that He is able, He has power if He only will"...like the leper in the eigth chapter of Matthew who said to Jesus...if thou wilt, Thou canst make me clean (V2).
Many of us have been taught to pray, "If it be Thy will, heal me." That wasn't the way that King David prayed: he cried in Psalm 6:2, Have mercy upon me, O Lord; for I am weak: O Lord, heal me; for my bones are vexed. He was evidently very ill; and the excruciating pains in his bones might have been due to his extreme debility, for he goes on in the forth and fifth verses imploring God to deliver him from impending death and then adds in the ninth verse, The Lord hath heard my supplication; the Lord will receive my prayer.
There was no ifs or buts in that prayer. The prophet Jeremiah, too, had no doubt about God's will as to healing, for he cried, Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved...(Jer. 17:14).
And we, God's people of this day, should be as free from doubt regarding our Father's will for our bodies as they were, for it is as clearly revealed in the Word as His will concerning the salvation of our souls.
To Be Continued...http://photos-d.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs149.snc1/5535_1204448880170_1497063847_30585715_274323_n.jpg
Saturday, October 17, 2009

It all started for me when I found a round wooden disk that had been painted red in 1963. I learned to skim across the flat sand on it. Then one day in 1965 a friend showed me a combination skimboard\bodyboard called a BonAire. It was made out of molded plastic with two handle holes on each side of the board. It had detachable fins. We would fill the fin holes with wax.
I quickly learned to skim down the beach slope and try to catch waves with it. The water would rooster tail out of the handle holes as we skimmed across the water. I lived in Newport Beach and would skimboard everyday with Jim Trapp. We dominated 45th street!
Because of the blunt nose and the squared off tail along with the limited buoyancy we couldn't do much in comparison to todays skimboard riders. For us it was 'walking' the board and 'nose riding.' We would catch waves for short distances before we sank into the water. One of the more fun things was when we would catapult ourselves into the air and flip. We quickly learned how to land flat on our backs in the dry sand in such a way that we never got hurt.
Before the rock groins were installed in Newport, back when there was only the steel pillar walls, there would be strong backwash that we could ride out into the water and then turn and ride an incoming wave back to shore. This was about as close to todays style of riding that we ever got.
The BonAire would crack now and then and we would have to go purchase new one's from Hart's Sporting Goods up in Costa Mesa over by Lions park.
Lee Pope the best surfer in my neighborhood at the time would suggest making a skimboard out of foam and fiberglass like a small surfboard. He was a few years ahead of his time on that idea. We never quite got around to trying it...wish we had.
It wasn't until I made a visit with my BonAire to Victoria Street Beach in Laguna Beach in 1975 that I saw the first actual foam skimboards. A group of dudes around my age were rippin on them. They told me to leave 'their' beach. They were not very friendly at all to me. Seriously, they were down right mean to me.
Here it is 2009 and my favorite pass time of my youth has now become an actual sport with it's own contest. I wonder what they would think to see me, a 58 year old rippin on one of those foam skimboards. Loose a few pounds, do some cardio, practice and suddenly show up in a contest...LOL
Hey...I was one of the best skimboarders around Newport Beach in the sixties...just ask Steve Parkford , Mike Rucker , Scott Clucase , Lee Pope or Mike Grasso, all really great Newport surfers. Scott was pretty good at skimboarding also. We never dreamed that Victoria Skimboards would make skimboarding into a worldwide sport.
Oh ya, for all you skimboarders today...there was no 'Blackball' for us in the sixties, we could skimboard all day long any day anywhere we wanted to in Newport Beach in the sixties. And we did!
I watch some of the videos on youtube and am amazed at how skimboarding has really taken off. Check it out:

Here is Heidi Baker:

This Aug. 18, 2009 photo shows accused child witch Jerry posing for a picture on his bed at the Children's Rights and Rehabilitation Network in Eket, Nigeria. Jerry was beaten by his pastor, starved, made to eat cement and then set on fire by his father as his pastor's wife cheered it on. Campaigners against the practice say around 15,000 children have been accused in two of Nigeria's 36 states over the past decade and around 1,000 have been murdered.
Horrific Torture of Child 'Witches' by African Churches

"Eugene Kaspersky, CEO of well-known computer security company Kaspersky Labs, is calling for an end to the anonymity of the Internet, and for the creation of mandatory 'Internet passports' for anyone who wishes to browse the Web. Says Kaspersky, 'Everyone should and must have an identification, or internet passport ... the internet was designed not for public use, but for American scientists and the US military. Then it was introduced to the public, and it was wrong ... to introduce it in the same way.' He calls anonymity 'the Internet's biggest security vulnerability' and thinks any country that doesn't follow this regime should be 'cut off.' The EFF objects, and it's likely that they won't be the only ones."
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The word of the Lord came to me in a dream ‘Take my healing virtue to the outskirts of the body of Christ. The hem of His garment.”
In another dream He said, “The cries of my people have come up before me and I have come down to heal them.”
After having tried to birth the healing ministry since I was three years old, I can honestly say it was not until fifty-three years later in Africa that it began coming to pass.
The first miracle service that I conducted in Africa felt like a complete failure that contained no miracle whatsoever. I went away feeling like a fraud and an impostor presenting false hopes. Later that night the Lord spoke to me and said, “There is no such thing as a false hope in me. You cannot overstate me.”
That was the turning point in my life that I needed in order to fully bring God’s healing virtue to the people. Nothing can stop me now. I have a green light from the Lord to give it my all. It makes no difference if I am liked or not, or how I look and act, or whether I have large crowds at my meetings.
I cannot articulate it theologically because I have no doctrine on the subject. I have no answer as to why God does not always heal. I just know that He heals. God has led me to heal the sick without any formula, technique, or method.
The last miracle service that I had in Africa after learning to give it my all, the Lord Jesus healed a blind eye. I watched it happen. The more I aggressively attacked the blindness and pressed into the healing the more dramatic the healing became. A little boy that was once blind in his right eye could now see.
At another meeting in the Caribbean a woman’s vision became brighter during the miracle service and then she requested healing for her whole body and said it was full of cancer. The needs are so many. I found that many times my prayer for the sick becomes more of a word of prophecy than a prayer. God said take my healing virtue, I prophetically declare it.
My wife Melodi was there with me on the small island of St. Martin where we ministered in several churches with the gifts of healing. Everywhere I go there is revival, and everywhere I go I prosper. That is what God promised me, and that is what I am experiencing. God has put His gifts of healing in me and said Go! I never need to worry about questions concerning healing. Without question, Jesus is the healer. He is the vine and we are the branches. The branch cannot bare fruit of itself.
Pastor Tilson Shumate

Monday, October 12, 2009
A look at the more 'Pentachrismatic' side of our Christian family.
No relation to Brant Baker as you will immediately see. Brant always had the attitude that it had to be all God and none of himself. In fact Brant would always say, "I have learned how to yield to the Holy Spirit" while remaining somewhat 'normal.' And God healed people in Brant's services.
Here is Heidi Baker:
Here is Brant Baker for comparison:
Anne Hume had given me fifteen Studio Broadcast tapes. A few were blank and others were duplicates of each other and one was of Audrea Crouch performing on Jim Baker's old program. I took what I could get of the video's that were not duplicates and uploaded them to the net.
Contrary to what some may think, those old studio tapes did not hold much on them like a VCR tape. Here are those tapes that I found original material of Shekinah Fellowship on. I have not held back anything except for a very short interview of Brant in a Hotel patio in the Phillipines that I can't seem to locate...
No relation to Brant Baker as you will immediately see. Brant always had the attitude that it had to be all God and none of himself. In fact Brant would always say, "I have learned how to yield to the Holy Spirit" while remaining somewhat 'normal.' And God healed people in Brant's services.
Here is Heidi Baker:
Here is Brant Baker for comparison:
Anne Hume had given me fifteen Studio Broadcast tapes. A few were blank and others were duplicates of each other and one was of Audrea Crouch performing on Jim Baker's old program. I took what I could get of the video's that were not duplicates and uploaded them to the net.
Contrary to what some may think, those old studio tapes did not hold much on them like a VCR tape. Here are those tapes that I found original material of Shekinah Fellowship on. I have not held back anything except for a very short interview of Brant in a Hotel patio in the Phillipines that I can't seem to locate...
I get asked all the time from some, "Where is God moving today. Is He doing anything these days?" Well here is something that I think is noteworthy. Apparently God is moving among young people in much the same way he had for all of us who were in the Jesus People Movement.
Here is what I have found:
This is amazing! God is so great!!! My sister, Hannah Ford, (music ministry website- www.hannahford.com) was at Disneyland with some friends. She and her 2 friends, Jason Chin and Jason Tax, had been praying for revival to break out. They were standing in line for a ride, and one of them began talking with a teenager. She had some physical ailment and they offered to pray for her. She was healed on the spot. It blew the girl's mind!
Hannah prayed that God would move exponentially, and before long, they found themselves praying for another kid, an 8th grade boy, a star basketball player, and the son of a medical doctor. He had injured his shoulder and could not raise it at all, and had been out for the season. They prayed for him, and he was healed!
He got so excited he called his father, and then he started texting his fellow 8th graders from his charter school, who were also at Disneyland. Kids starting coming from everywhere. They were actually leaving their places in line at various rides so they could come and find out what was going on.
Wave after wave of kids from this charter school came and were prayed for and told the good news of salvation through Jesus. There were numerous healings and 30-40 put their faith in Jesus Christ. Kids were crying and laughing and saying they felt lighter.
There was never one massive gathering, but groups of kids would come for awhile and then move on. But in all, my sister says that they prayed for and shared Jesus with 60-100 kids. They led them in prayer openly to receive Christ at Disneyland of all places.
God is soooo good!! I have never been a part of anything so cool! I got some free tickets to Disneyland from a friend and was hanging out with 2 other friends (Jason Chin and Jason Tax.) They went to pray for a guy and he was healed. Then more just started happening from there. Jesus healed so many young people and so many gave their lives to Him! Yay!
I'm going to Mexico so when I get back I'll finish this up and show you the rest. Pray for revival in Mexico! :) :) Bless you all as you go after more of God! :) You're loved. "
Here is what I have found:

Hannah prayed that God would move exponentially, and before long, they found themselves praying for another kid, an 8th grade boy, a star basketball player, and the son of a medical doctor. He had injured his shoulder and could not raise it at all, and had been out for the season. They prayed for him, and he was healed!
He got so excited he called his father, and then he started texting his fellow 8th graders from his charter school, who were also at Disneyland. Kids starting coming from everywhere. They were actually leaving their places in line at various rides so they could come and find out what was going on.
Wave after wave of kids from this charter school came and were prayed for and told the good news of salvation through Jesus. There were numerous healings and 30-40 put their faith in Jesus Christ. Kids were crying and laughing and saying they felt lighter.
There was never one massive gathering, but groups of kids would come for awhile and then move on. But in all, my sister says that they prayed for and shared Jesus with 60-100 kids. They led them in prayer openly to receive Christ at Disneyland of all places.
God is soooo good!! I have never been a part of anything so cool! I got some free tickets to Disneyland from a friend and was hanging out with 2 other friends (Jason Chin and Jason Tax.) They went to pray for a guy and he was healed. Then more just started happening from there. Jesus healed so many young people and so many gave their lives to Him! Yay!
I'm going to Mexico so when I get back I'll finish this up and show you the rest. Pray for revival in Mexico! :) :) Bless you all as you go after more of God! :) You're loved. "

We know that God’s Glory consists of His hidden attributes: compassion; graciousness; slow to anger; mercy; truth; covenantal faithfulness; forgiveness. For whatever reason, this unfolding of His Person has not been understood as the content of His Glory. These hidden attributes can only be revealed to a hurting world by means of you and me. He has chosen to reveal Himself through His own people. We are His letters, known and read of all men. It is by the replication of His Agape that we are identified as sons of the Father.
Christ shared His Glory with us, but we need to make a careful distinction between the attributes of God that are intended to be communicated for the purpose of restoring the image of God in man as contrasted with the attributes of God that were never designed to be given to man such as uncreated, omnipotent, omniscient, and eternal. “It is difficult to express in some languages the concept of he also shared his glory with them. This may be expressed as ‘he gave them part of his majesty,’ ‘he gave them some of the wonderfulness which he had,’ or ‘he caused them to be glorious in some way similar to the way he is glorious.’”
God’s Glory in the Old and New Testament is formed in us in a progressive pattern as shown in this diagram. In Numbers 14:21 Israel has transgressed badly, defeat and embarrassment had come because they had “come short of God’s glory.” In that circumstance and climate of failure, God states His intention with an oath: “as I live, all the earth shall be filled with the glory of the Lord.”
He uses the phrase “as I live” 26 times in the Old Testament. Similarly, in Isaiah, Israel has failed badly, transgressed the covenant and King Uzziah had died. In the midst of failure comes Father’s similar declaration regarding His glory: “Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord of hosts, the whole earth is full of His glory.” His eternal purpose is still in the process of being settled and we progress towards the birth of Christ of Whom it is said in John 1:14, “We beheld His glory.” This glory resident in Christ is imparted to us through the mysterious Seed.
John 14:21 ---> Isaiah 6:3 ---> John 1:14-16 --->Galatians 4:19 ---> Ephesians 3:21 ---> john 17:21
THOUGHTS & QUESTIONS• What does “He also shared His glory with them” mean to you?• In what ways can you see God’s glory as progressive through the Old Testament?
Experiencing this glory leads us to knowing the Father the way He wants to be known. Jesus, as the Lord of the glory, along with the Holy Spirit, takes on the task of teaching us how to continually walk in God’s glory by leading us the way He went—up the Agape Road.
This is what Jesus meant when He said that if we follow Him, He will take us to the Father. God’s glory, as it was shown to Moses on the mountain, is revealed by every action and word of Jesus. When we see Jesus in the Gospels, we see God’s compassion, grace, mercy, truth, faithfulness, and forgiveness walking and talking on the earth.
Sunday, October 11, 2009

Jesus plainly stated, “If you have seen Me, you have seen the Father.” He came as Agape in the flesh for the express purpose of showing us what the Father is like. Hebrews tells us He was “the radiance of His glory, the exact representation of His character.”
Sunday, October 04, 2009
Friday, October 02, 2009
Thursday, October 01, 2009
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