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Monday, May 20, 2013

Forecasting Weather

"After being embarrassed when the Europeans did a better job forecasting Sandy than the National Weather Service Congress allocated $25 million ($23.7 after sequestration) in the Sandy relief bill for upgrades to forecasting and supercomputer resources. The NWS announced that their main forecasting computer will be upgraded from the current 213 TeraFlops to 2,600 TFlops by fiscal year 2015, over a twelve-fold increase. The upgrade is expected to increase the horizontal grid scale by a factor of 3 allowing more precise forecasting of local features of weather. The some of the allocated funds will also be used to hire some contract scientists to improve the forecast model physics and enhance the collection and assimilation of data."

Not hard to predict weather these days. If you know where the chemtrailers are laying down intense lines and if you know where HAARP is being deployed you can make an educated guess as to where a weather event will erupt. The recent weather event in America could have been predicted...

These sites are up and then they are down, you might hit them at the right time so keep checking them:

If you pay attention to the chemtrail map you will see that HAARP is usually employed in the heaviest spray zones. 
Scroll up after each link jump to view full post at these links...

Weather By Design
What Are They Spraying?
Weather Control By The Military?
To learn more about how to fight illegal geo-engineering in your community, visit:

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