In a day and age when a lot of Christians sell out for the dollar, it is refreshing to see someone who has not. This man, Rick Meyers, provides all of us with these Bible study tools and software asking nothing in return...
I greatly respect a man of God like Rick! There can be no question as to his sincerity in his service of the Lord in my mind.
I have purchased a lot of software for studying the Bible over the years and I have to say this program is up there with the best. And you can have it to use on your computer right now. No paypal or credit card needed. Praise the Lord for men such as this!
e-Sword is a fast and effective way to study the Bible. e-Sword is feature rich and user friendly with more capabilities than you would expect in a free software package.
Rick says:
"Freely you received, freely give." (Matthew 10:8)
Jesus told us that since we've been blessed we should bless others. I am happy to provide a blessing to others in the form of free Bible study software!
As a Bible student and teacher I have experienced the necessary work involved in searching the Scriptures for the competent preparation of a Bible study, Sunday school lesson, or a sermon. There are volumes of books available as study tools (and the Christian community is indebted to the various authors' perseverance and scholarship), but there is not enough time, money, or shelf space to properly take advantage of these resources. Computer software has changed the way we can study the Word of GOD. With a simple search or click of the mouse button, we now have access to these same volumes of scholarship within seconds!"

In His service,
Rick Meyers
Rick Meyers
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