Lori Wittman said...
I have been silent to long. There are a lot of happy memories and sad ones also. But the work David is doing I feel is Gods work. Those years with the ministry are always with me. I came out of Calvary Chapel in Costa Mesa. I was not a new christain when I met Brant. It was in the early days when Brant was just starting out. He was only 23 yrs old and already on fire for God. There was only a handful of us.
When I first came to a service I knew that is were I belonged. It was in a small store and we all sat on the ground and listened to him preach. We soon moved into a foursquare Church . Many people started to attend the Sat night services and it soon grew to fill the large church.
The choir was wonderful. I remember Joe Dallas at the piano and the various singers. I remember that before each service Brant would be waiting on the side of the stage praying , eyes closed or raised , hands folded or uplifted to the Lord. As we all sang whorship to God the room would fill with a cloud of Gods presence. It could literally be felt and seen.
There were many healings that I saw and can testify to one that I saw before my eyes. I was on stage with Brant and Randy West, while people came up to testify of their healngs. A lady came up and she was healed of an illness but her hands were still twisted from arthritis and as Brant started to pray for her, I saw her hands staighten out fully, Brant said "did you see that" Yes, I did.
There were times when it was hard to stand next to him as you could feel the presence of Jesus ever so softly. We all Loved the Lord and looked only to do his will. I was involved for about 3-4 years, from the begining to almost the end of the ministry. I remember when Brants mother started coming to the services more often. I felt she may have wanted too much control of the ministry and this bothered Brant. She was a lovely and gracious lady but could be domineering.
I loved Brants father , he was so sweet and humble. Brant became engaged to one of my best friends, Lesa Green. This did not last very long. She was so very beautiful and kind. She took this very hard after he broke it off with her. There are more memories that I want to share but feel I should think about it for a few more days before I share with you all. I must say that if anyone remembers me or were involved in the minisry, please come forward by writing here or to David or emailing me if you would.
En Agape Hannelore
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