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Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Tow Trucks

God some times will speak to me through "highlighted" visuals. For instance, just recently He started to show me tow trucks that were broken down in the road. Then I started to see tow trucks being towed.

And as you might imagine, I wondered what He was showing me.
My answer came quickly.

Pastors need pastoring. Pastors have lost their way and need to be pastored back on track.

Pastors need to get back to the teaching about the gifts of the Holy Spirit. They need to teach on the baptism of the Holy Spirit. The spiritual and inspirational aspects of Christianity need to come forward. It has not been enough to just concentrate on the intellectual things.

Roll up your sleeves and go for it. Sure the gifts can bring the kooks out, but there are those who get it. The level of spirituality in your church congregation will go up.

It will become exciting and fresh as you step back and allow the gifts to operate in your midst.

David Sloane

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