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Sunday, May 04, 2008


How possible is it for God to do the impossible? A miracle is a miracle no matter how big or small it may seem. Is anything to hard for the Lord?

Let me share a big small miracle of provision by divine appointment. It was a divine intersection in the middle of nowhere.

In my pickup truck, I was hauling a three hundred pound propane refrigerator to my cabin located in a canyon six miles down a dirt road where it can be days before you even see another car. I new from many past experiences that God would somehow be there when I needed Him, but not when I least expected Him. He seems to come through in the most spectacular ways when I expect Him to. I know He is always there, but sometimes He shows up, and usually in the precise time that I expected Him.

When I was younger in the Lord, He came when I least expected Him. Now, I have learned to trust and obey; which means to expect Him. And when I do He shows up.

When I arrived at the cabin I unloaded the refrigerator but it was impossible for me to bring it up the steps alone. I stopped the one and only car passing by and met the man that God had chosen to help me. He was visiting from Washington and was just out exploring the Hills. The amazing thing is that I didn’t want any help from anyone nearby. In the canyon I keep to myself so God sent a man from outside the canyon; just as I was hoping for. I gave him a beer, ten dollars and led him to the Lord.

As he was leaving, he stopped and said a strange thing, "I left you a fishing lure on the kitchen counter." This is one of the ways God speak to confirm things. I am an evangelist; a fisher of men. I know for sure that I will see that man in heaven because I heard him call upon the Lord with my own ears. He prayed something like this, "God, I know that I am a sinner. I accept your son Jesus to come into my heart and to be my Lord and to be my savior. Write my name in the book of life, and place your Holy Spirit upon me. In Jesus name I pray. Amen."

If you have not yet prayed the sinner’s prayer to invite Christ into your heart, I urge you to do so now.

If you are already certain that you are saved, pray this way, "Lord Jesus, take me in holy service for you." And then expect it to happen.

Pastor Tilson

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