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Saturday, September 06, 2008

The Great Zero Challenge

Your not supposed to know this...

You got your new super large capicity hard drive and you want to make sure your old one is erased, so that no one can recover your personal data before discarding it.

You are supposed to think that random multiple-overwrite with expensive programs is the only way to blank out your old hard drive before discarding it.

Use Low Level 'DD' Disk destruction. A simple command and ZAPP! Your disk is perfectly destroyed.

#Do not execute this code on any computer unless you want to destroy all data on a partition!

dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda8

The Challenge?

A challenge to confirm whether or not a professional, established data recovery firm can recover data from a hard drive that has been overwritten with zeros once. We used the 32 year-old Unix dd command using /dev/zero as input to overwrite the drive. Three data recover companies were contacted. All three are listed on this page. Two companies declined to review the drive immediately upon hearing the phrase 'dd', the third declined to review the drive after we spoke to second level phone support and they asked if the dd command had actually completed (good question).

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