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Monday, May 10, 2010

Barbara Dixon

Barbara Dixon is grateful to the Lord that she is alive today. She was told that she had one month to live. Today she can tell the amazing story of her instant healing.

In December of 1970, Barbara had surgery for a back injury, four years later, in 1974, her back still was not healing properly and had not improved. This caused her doctor to send her to a neurologist. The neurologist discovered that Barbara had myasthenia gravis, a neuro-muscular disease, which is incurable and fatal. The disease causes the muscles of the body to collapse and deteriorate.

The very same day that Barbara was healed, June 14, 1974, her doctor told her she had one month to live. That night, Barbara came to Shekinah Fellowship's miracle healing service in San Diego CA. She could barely walk into the service. Her facial muscles had fallen and were separated. Her vision was double and blurry. Her voice almost gone. Her head hung because she had no strength in her neck. Barbara puts it, "I was a mess!"

During the healing service, Brant said that a muscle disease was being healed. Barbara felt the Lord touch her, but could not tell no physical diffrence right then. About thirty minutes after Barbara left the service, her friend Shirley, began to see a change in Barbara.

Within two hours after the service, Barbara's facial muscles had lifted, her strength had returned and she was literally running up and down the street of her neighborhood, completely healed! Her doctor was amazed at the healing. He's never seen anything like it.

Barbara also received a complete spiritual renewal. She said, "Of all that God has done, the personal grace and the personal faithfulness of Christ brings me on my knees every day. I've never found words to express what is in my soul."

This testimony first appeared in the Shekinah Fellowship magazine Vol. 1, No. 2, Summer 1975, page 6