Some teach that you should insist upon God; command God. They say if you need something from God, corner him; quote him his own word and make him measure up.
I find that all the formulas man has devised are empty apart from mercy. Even the promises of God are unattainable apart from mercy.
You can quote every promise in the Bible and you will receive nothing apart from mercy. If we somehow think that God must grant our requests if they are based upon his own words, we are wrong. They must be accompanied with mercy.
We know that God cannot lie, but we must also know that God will not violate his righteousness. Everything that God has promised concerning blessings are received through mercy by grace. They are a gift.
"Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life." The good things of God are obtained through mercy.
There are at least a billion things in our lives that could fault us from receiving. We in our sin nature would be disqualified daily if it were not for God’s mercy. That’s why Paul said, "I die daily." And, "I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live,"
In order to obtain the promises of God we must first believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him. To believe is act of God’s mercy. Jesus said that no man could come to him unless the Father drew him. That alone is mercy.
While we were yet sinners God saved us. We only love him, because He first loved us. It’s all mercy. Every promise began and continues in mercy.
Pastor Tilson Shumate
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