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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

"30 years ago, Bob Wallace and his partner came up with a product to help hikers, flood victims and others purify water. Wallace, now 88 years old, packs his product by hand in his garage, stores it in his backyard shed and sells it for $6.50. Recently, the DEA has been hassling him because his product uses crystalline iodine. He has been refused a license to purchase the iodine because it can be used in the production of crystal meth, and as a result he is now out of business. A DEA spokesman describes this as 'collateral damage' not resulting from DEA regulations but from the selfish actions of criminals."

"James Fallows writes that you don't have to idealize everything about the Occupy movement to recognize the stoic resolve of the protesters at UC Davis being pepper sprayed as a moral drama that the protesters clearly won. 'The self-control they show, while being assaulted, reminds me of grainy TV footage I saw as a kid, of black civil rights protesters being fire-hosed by Bull Connor's policemen in Alabama. Or of course the Tank Man in Tiananmen Square,' writes Fallows. 'Such images can have tremendous, lasting power.' We can't yet imagine all the effects of the panopticon society we are beginning to live in but one benefit to the modern protest movement is the omnipresence of cameras (video) as police officials, protesters, and nearly all onlookers are recording whatever goes on bringing greater accountability and a reality-test for police claims that they 'had' to use excessive force. 'What's new is that now the perception war occurs simultaneously with the physical struggle. There's almost parity,' writes Andrew Sprung. 'You have a truncheon or gun, I have a camera. You inflict pain, I inflict infamy.'"

Accidental optical illusion.

Petition for Megyn Kelly to Eat or Drink a full dose of Pepper Spray

ACLU: License Plate Scanners Are Logging Citizen's Every Move: It has now become clear that this automated license plate readers technology, if we do not limit its use, will represent a significant step toward the creation of a surveillance society in US

Every year for a few days in the month of February, the sun’s angle is such, that it lights up Horsetail Falls in Yosemite, as if it were on fire.

The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) provisions are so vague that it will go against fundamental freedoms and lead to privatized online censorship!

Pregnant Woman Miscarries After Being Sprayed With Pepper Spray

If pepperspraying peaceful, non-resisting protesters is "fairly standard police procedure," we need a new standard.

Fairy Pools, Isle of Skye, Scotland.

Patriot Act, security prompt GOP sparring in CNN national security debate. Paul calls USA PATRIOT Act "Unpatriotic", Gingrich wants to expand.

AP - Only Rep. Ron Paul of Texas among eight presidential hopefuls dissented, arguing that the law (patriot act) is "unpatriotic because it undermines our liberties."

Police Suspended After Pepper Spraying UCD Students

politicususa.com — Some people thought the UC Davis students who were pepper soaked had it coming. They should have moved. They shouldn’t have been protesting. Or, in the charming words of Newt Gingrich, they should have a shower then get a job. What Gingrich and others fail to understand is what the police did at UC Davis was brutality.  

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