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Monday, November 12, 2012

Dear David and Matt,

Blessed be the name of the Lord! We just returned from our work related trip in the Caribbean…however; it turned into a glorious mission trip that had the Lord’s design all over it!

(This is my account from a wifes perspective.)

Tilson was able to preach and pray for the sick in several churches during our stay. The people were very open to being prayed for. Many came to know Christ.

When we were leaving Miami for St. Maarten and while in the airport Tilson gave the gospel message to a woman sitting next to us. She was from Trinidad and had NEVER heard the gospel before that day. She prayed right there while we were waiting for our plane. When she left us she was beaming.

After arriving in St. Maarten we went swimming at the condo where we were staying. An intern from Holland began talking to us and Tilson and I both shared the gospel with her. She also had NEVER heard this gospel! She said it was beautiful and gave her heart to Jesus. Tilson and I were in awe of the simplicity of it all...

Yet the power of the conversion was so sincere. The security guard and the doorman (photos attac.) at the Westin were incredible men of faith. The doorman carried his Bible with him in his back pocket. Our housekeeper would stop by each morning, after she had found out we were Christians, and encourage us in the Lord. On our last day there she arrived early to pray for our trip home. She placed a washcloth over her head and began to pray something fierce!

On the plane ride home the flight attendants asked if there was a doctor on board. Tilson went to the back of the plane to see what was going on. They asked if he was a doctor…he said no, but that he prayed for the sick. He sat down next to the young woman, who had obviously been in some terrible accident, and asked if he could pray for her. She said yes. When he did, she began to cry and thanked him. He sat with her silently for a long time. When the attendants said that the doctor was there he got up to leave and the attendant gave him a hug and thanked him. The other attendant asked if there was anything we wanted…sandwiches, drinks…anything. Tilson kindly said no. When we were getting ready to depart from the plane one of the attendants came over and gave us a bottle of wine to show their gratitude. We were blown away…remember the fierce prayer that was prayed over us that same morning by our housekeeper?

God is so Good. He makes walking with Him so exciting! We will always hold dear the people of St. Maarten. They are lovely people with a hunger for God. Now that we are back, we are continuing with the translation of our biligual Bible-based educational grammar book.

We have a new lead with an African teacher who is a brother in the Lord. Pray that he will be a part of bringing the gospel to the poorest regions of Africa. We love you. Thank you for your support and continual encouragement. You are truly a blessing to us.

Tilson and Melodi

our accommodations were outstanding with views that would knock your socks off! Attached is a photo of sunrise from our condo.

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