I have been incredibly blessed for so many years now to serve You. It is in that recognition that I find myself amazed at how far I have come -- and over how many hills and valleys I have traveled. Along this path I have learned a great deal about perseverance -- as I have learned to trust You -- so You could use me to help others.
It is with a humble heart today that I enter this place of Your Presence. I know You will meet me here as You continue to grow and nurture me. I pause in this moment seeking Your will for this time -- and my heart begins to pound -- as all my worldly concerns fade and I see only You. I hear you remind me that this is where I will find any true spiritual authority.
It is here in the study of Your Word, and under the guiding light of Your Holy Spirit who helps me to go deeper in my understanding, that I will find the tools I need to lead. You continue to remind me that the source of true leadership -- true spiritual authority -- is not influence with men, but with You my God. This has saved me from so many dangers over the years where I almost found myself seeking the authority -- without giving You my full obedience and trust.
I remember someone once telling me that a leader must first be a follower -- someone who knows how to follow You. This hasn’t always been easy because of my own human pride and selfishness -- but it has certainly proven to be true. Jesus, You are my leader -- entrusted with the authority over all other leaders. As I unwrapped that idea, I have found some astonishing truths that have kept me strong and allowed me to persevere in spite of myself.
Once again this morning I bow my knee asking to be conformed to Your image. I know without any doubt that is the path to any real authority I will have in this world. I hear You remind me again that my effectiveness for You will only be to the degree that You reign within me. I am reminded that human authority uses people for its own purposes -- while Your true authority gives all it has to give for the sake of the people. This is a huge difference between Christians and the rest of the world.
I pray this day for a deeper, more effective understanding for Your church about true leadership -- based on their relationship with You, leading by the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the truth found in Your Word. You remind me You are attempting to grow our vision in these days -- and that means we are going to need Your wisdom, perseverance and strength to accomplish it. It is going to take a spiritual fortitude that many do not yet have if we are going to be able to move ahead as You have designed. We are desperately in need of leaders who do not just dream -- but are enabled by You to challenge the very course and direction of the world. I also pray this morning asking you to raise up the detail oriented people to help our visionaries implement Your plans. I know Christians are to be the most creative people on earth and our greatest leaders are surrounded by these "excellence seeking people" working hand in hand to accomplish the goal.
I ask You also to raise the level of spiritual authority given to those who have been charged with watching out for the flock. The Body's intercessors and pastoral care people are being bombarded by discouragement as they are often kept on the peripheral end of the food chain. I acknowledge it is a very delicate balancing act. It often takes decades of working together to gain mutual trust, but it is a vital role too often overlooked in our churches.
We live in challenging times, Lord -- but we are also privileged to live in the greatest of times. Your influence is being felt in every nook and cranny of the world -- and You are raising up an army to take back that which has been stolen. You will be glorified -- it is Your right -- paid at the most dreadful cross ever carved. You alone are worthy of the honor and glory, and You are THE LEADER -- given spiritual authority over the world.
Grow our leaders to be like You, Jesus. Help them to see You as their greatest treasure. Help them to willingly submit to Your authority -- as they bend their knee in obedience to Your vision -- and lead the rest of us out of the darkness into the light. I know it is Your will to use them to bring love, peace and joy back into this world. To You be all the honor and glory!
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