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Thursday, June 20, 2013


Shekinah Fellowship: Jesse Ventura Wall street...you won't believe it

 Shekinah Fellowship: Can God Still Do Stuff Through Men Today?

 Shekinah Fellowship: Did Jesus rise from the dead?

Doctrine of Justification is heart of Christian theology

"For we maintain that a man is justified by faith apart from observing the law" (Romans 3:28).

This verse from St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans reveals the heart of Christian theology. The doctrine that we are justified (declared righteous, or saved) by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, is the central and vital organ in the body of Christian theology; the organ that pumps the blood throughout that body to give life to all other Christian doctrines. As we say in Lutheran circles, the doctrine of justification is the central article of the Christian faith, the article upon which the Christian Church stands or falls.

Clearly this thing is keeping the lawn in place.

The Bible Study from HELL By Gregs couch

You’re sitting in your small group Bible study. You’ve read the passage, talked about the context and the structure of the book. Now you’re beginning to discuss application. Suzy suggests we just obey what the Bible says, while Tim goes off about how a coworker is a total pagan. Mary, meanwhile, says application should be personal, so she starts drawing up a to-do list from the text. Something in this group is terribly wrong. What did they miss?

Grace. Jesus. God. Christianity. Everything.

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