Friday, January 17, 2014

Some information beyond 101 on things that are hidden but in plain sight. Another look at the "conspiracys."

2 Timothy 3:1
This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.

 Some of us enjoy following 'conspiracy's. In that light let's examine some of the most recent angle points to be found on YouTube. Now keep in mind that none of this has been proven conclusively. It is speculative at best. Where there is smoke there is fire. Let's look at some of the smoke drifting around all of us these days. Here are some select videos that are most interesting because of what they are suggesting.

As time goes by more and more we are learning the truth about the destruction of our atmosphere and just how it is being done. Some insiders tip off others and the puzzle parts start coming together forming up some perspective. These videos are a few years old so the technology has advanced even beyond what is being revealed here. What strikes me the most is who are the people behind this insanity and why are they incrementally destroying the USA and how come they get away with it?

Both videos will be understood by advanced researchers who have been following this particular line of study. If you don't understand, just tuck the information away for future reference or 'move on~nothing here to see from these nut jobs. After viewing all three videos you may start to think that maybe John Connor from the future was right.

Read the "about" on this YouTube link:

This video can get technical at times but well worth viewing. Meteorologist will instantly understand the technicality but us novice types will have to just take it for granted. 

Molecular disassociation introduction 101 
Former professor of Mechanical Engineering at Clemson University, Dr. Judy Wood discussed how the destruction of buildings in NYC on 9-11 was the result of directed energy technology, not planes, fire, thermite or bombs. In her book, Where Did the Towers Go?, she focuses on physical evidence, and has not speculated on whether the US government was involved in the attacks. The official story of the Towers' "pancaking" down, and the lack of subsequent debris doesn't fit with the explanation of fire, or even theorized controlled demolitions, she said. And "planes cannot turn buildings into powder in midair and leave no remains," she added. She cited the exactitude of the damage-- the 47-story Building 7 collapsed, but the Post Office across the street "didn't get a scratch on it." And a police car had abrupt boundaries of damage-- the front half melted, while the back half appeared untouched-- "fire doesn't do that," she noted. From her studies, Wood concluded that a kind of (weaponized) free energy technology was employed in the WTC attacks, similar to the Hutchison Effect or Tesla technology. Tesla had wanted to share this technology 100 years ago, but was afraid it would be used for evil, she commented. She described the technology as a "magnetic electro-gravitic nuclear reaction" that interferes with energy fields, and suggested it might have also been used in the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing...

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