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Monday, March 17, 2014

Monday night is alright

From the NSA Sucks File...
"NSA surveillance has raised concerns among customers globally about the safety of their data from US government spying. More organizations, companies and countries are looking for ways to distant themselves from the NSA activities to safeguard the information of internet users. IBM is the latest to fall into the category of companies that do not want to be associated with the NSA spy activities"

 Nancy Pelosi: Congress doesn't like to "fight [US intelligence agencies]... because they come after you and they don’t always tell the truth."


 The combined injuries depicted on the face of hockey goalie Terry Sawchuk, before masks became standard equipment, 1966

You really don't need to know this

This video has been doing the rounds for a few years, but mixing the "James Bond" theme with Mozart doesn't really get old.


A young boy puts American Idol contestants to shame...well...almost...

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