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Tuesday, September 09, 2014

Student Debt Is Destroying Students Future

"A college degree is the adult version of a macaroni painting your parents put on the fridge.

 Both are trophies valued most by those who hang it up, but one means taking on debt—lifelong debt, as many people in their 50s are still making student loan payments.

 The problem has pervaded society to the point where calling it a “student loan crisis” is inaccurate because it affects more than students.

 The price of education is burying the future under bank notes and sending entire families—not just the students attending college—to the poorhouse."
 by Matthew Saccaro

(Warning John Uses Expletives)

Knowledge-seekers have a multitude of options here, starting with Coursera, Udacity, and edX; the latter is a joint project between MIT, Harvard, and University of California, Berkeley. A vast majority of the courses on these networks are free—with courses taught by experts. MOOCs aren’t Drunk History; they are high-level courses taught by authorities in their field.
( Matthew Saccaro )

Here are a few more resources:






There are a lot more out there on the net. Search for them.

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