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Friday, April 11, 2008

Quantum Physics Of Genesis

Found while tip toeing through the net minefield. People trying to figure it out with out the Bible:
"An allegorical interpretation.- While I agree that Heisenberg's uncertainty principle eliminates the unnerving prospect of predetermination (the antithesis of free will), it also eliminates the odds that you'll be able to accurately predict the outcome of a given even. Without predicabilty, there is no causality. Without causality, there is no certainty. At least with predetermination, you have some degree of certainty.-But Maxwell derived his relation decades before Lorentz, Schrodinger and Heisenberg and before the charge-to-mass ratio of the electron was empirically determined. So in the beginning, there was light, way before there were definable charge carriers.-Technically, Maxwell's equations have little to do with quantum mechanics and one might say they are in "competition" with quantum since it is electrodynamics that gave birth to relativity and cosmology."

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