There is a river whose streams shall make glad the city of God, the holy place where the Most High dwells.
Psalm 46:4
There once was a time when you could walk into a Shekinah fellowship meeting and realize that there was something very different there. You just knew that God was manifest. His presence became so very real to you. You would leave those meetings glad. You had a sense that God dwells at Shekinah Fellowship.
The presence of God was so real and tangible there at Shekinah.
I was thinking about that. Shekinah’s Jesus was powerful and ultra loving. People don’t realize that every church has a Jesus. Sure we all say we know Jesus. But do you really know Him?
How is your Jesus? What is He like? Is He demanding and distant? Is He intellectual and soulish? Does He place heavy demands on you? Is He legalistic, requiring you to stick to the church traditions. Is He self righteous? Does He place carefully constructed religious systems on you, with rigid adherence to the laws of the religious systems?
Today the church in America has a very cold heart for Jesus. We appear to be spiritual, but we are only religious. We are honoring our traditions and as a result we are not having God dwell in our midst like a river that makes glad.
Some people who were at Shekinah Fellowship’s meetings missed God. Even though the signs and wonders were all around them and people were getting healed and saved. Just like the Pharisees who missed God when Jesus was standing right in front of their eyes. Religious, traditionalist always miss God.
May this generation desire to open up the wells of those places where the Most High has dwelled, that the river might make glad. Shekinah Fellowship had and has a covenant with God. A strong, irrevocable, binding commitment to His faithfulness and to His promise. A consecrated covenant that God will not break. Here we are a few generations down the road with covenant promise that still has power. God revisits those places where He has covenanted.
The memories of our spiritual experiences at Shekinah Fellowship bring up a holy nostalgia that stirs our hearts with deep emotion..
God too has His favorite places that He desires to visit because of the offerings of love that were poured out there before Him in the past. He doesn’t reject those places because of the failures of men. He recalls His covenants. He honors His word to the cross of the ‘T’ and the dot of the I.
Shekinah Fellowship was a window of mercy. God was moved with compassion there. Perhaps once again Shekinah Fellowship will be a place of God’s merciful blessing.
O Lord, God of Israel, there is no God like You in heaven or on the earth. You who keep Your covenant of love with Your servants who continue wholeheartedly in Your way. May Your eyes be open towards this temple day and night. Hear the supplications of Your servants when they pray toward this place. Hear from heaven, Your dwelling place; and when You hear, forgive…
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