The Ultimate Room For 'Waiting Upon The Lord." I want one...
I have been in Desert places where I could hear my own heart beating...and I have seen grown men freak out at the silence. Some people just can't take it and panic. Silence can be enlightening or it can be terrifying.
I know that I could stay in there for a few hours because when you wait upon the Lord you are absorbed in doing it and the silence becomes a non~issue.
lukas wrote: "I spoke with Steve Orfield on the phone and I could seriously talk with him for hours about what he does. Really nice guy and he's just full of extremely interesting information regarding audio.
He said they have an ongoing bet for a case of beer regarding the chamber. If someone can last 45 minutes in there by themselves with the lights off, then they get a case of beer. If I remember correctly no one has been able to make it past a half-hour yet.
Basically with such a lack of sound the body and mind start freaking out. Imagine your heart beat being the loudest thing in the room. He can go into much more detail than I, but I found that extremely interesting."
From Wikipedia,
In 1951, John Cage American composer, philosopher, poet, music theorist, artist, printmaker visited the anechoic chamber at Harvard University. An anechoic chamber is a room designed in such a way that the walls, ceiling and floor absorb all sounds made in the room, rather than reflecting them as echoes. Such a chamber is also externally sound-proofed. Cage entered the chamber expecting to hear silence, but he wrote later, "I heard two sounds, one high and one low. When I described them to the engineer in charge, he informed me that the high one was my nervous system in operation, the low one my blood in circulation."[12] Cage had gone to a place where he expected total silence, and yet heard sound. "Until I die there will be sounds. And they will continue following my death.
I would like to see an anechoic chamber that has also been neutralized from any kind of radio waves and microwaves and electromagnetic intrusion by a Faraday cage built around it.

A Truly Great Teaching From The Holy Spirit Through A Sensitive Servant...
The Rule of Peace
By Kriston Couchey
By Kriston Couchey
14:33 For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all
churches of the saints.There should never be confusion among the
children of God as to God's will. God has freely given us all things in
Christ Jesus, including His direction in EVERY path we are to take in
life. He has given us His Holy Spirit. The Spirit gives us direction
that we may know and walk fully in God's will. If you are truly His
child, you are never without the Spirit of God who desires constant
communion and fellowship. And how does He, the Spirit of truth lead us
into God's will? He leads us by the Peace of God.
Col 3:15 And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful.
Strong's definition for the word "rule" is: to umpire, decide, determine, direct, control, or rule.
The world's definition of peace is: everyone gets along and tolerates each other. But this is not God's peace. The peace of God within is the inward indicator that directs or controls us. The pathway of obedience to God's will is paved by peace in the inner man. This does not mean our flesh does not revolt against the will of God, what it means is we must learn to walk "hearing" the voice of the Spirit within us and crucifying the flesh. We walk in a sense of peace when we are in obedience, or we experience a lack of it when we chose our own will. Peace or the lack of it is the yes and no answer of God to us. Every activity we engage in is either in concert with His will or not, and His peace is the umpire within that gives us the "green go" or "red stop" light. In all we do and say we gauge the direction and intentions of the Lord for our lives by His peace as the inward witness.
Strong's definition for the word "rule" is: to umpire, decide, determine, direct, control, or rule.
The world's definition of peace is: everyone gets along and tolerates each other. But this is not God's peace. The peace of God within is the inward indicator that directs or controls us. The pathway of obedience to God's will is paved by peace in the inner man. This does not mean our flesh does not revolt against the will of God, what it means is we must learn to walk "hearing" the voice of the Spirit within us and crucifying the flesh. We walk in a sense of peace when we are in obedience, or we experience a lack of it when we chose our own will. Peace or the lack of it is the yes and no answer of God to us. Every activity we engage in is either in concert with His will or not, and His peace is the umpire within that gives us the "green go" or "red stop" light. In all we do and say we gauge the direction and intentions of the Lord for our lives by His peace as the inward witness.
God does and will make known His will through scripture, speaking directly to us, dreams, visions and impressions. But, these are always accompanied with His peace. At times I personally experience a flow of peace like a river when engaged in an activity that is initiated by the Spirit within me. My fervent goal as of recently is to walk fully in this path of peace in every single aspect of my life. This is walking by the Spirit. When we lose our own will and walk submitted to only His will we remain in peace.
Isa 32:17
And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of
righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.The Rest of God is about
ceasing from our own works, and putting to death your own will that
God's perfect will may manifest in and through us. Jesus said, "Come to
me you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest. Take MY yoke
(connecting harness) upon you for my yoke is easy and my burden light."
His is not a yoke of regulatory works and law . His yoke is being
connected to Jesus in pulling the light burden of God's peace within. It
is a bond (connection) of peace in the Holy Spirit.
we are doing our own will, we break the connection/yoke. Here is the
Rest of God: ceasing your own will and works, and walking in the easy
yoke (connected to Jesus) and light burden of the peace of God.
Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you; not as the world gives, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. ~Jesus~In Gethsemane Jesus struggled with His own will vs. God's will, He became "settled" or entered into the peace of God's will when He said, "not my will, but yours be done. It was Jesus' flesh that resisted the cup of suffering on the cross, and our flesh also fears and fights. But, we can still come to peace, which is not just a feeling, but a state of being in which we are settled to do the will of God in spite of feelings. Even though Jesus sweat drops of blood there was never the lack of God's presence which is marked by His peace. He gives peace to us even in our fear. He is wanting us to enter fully into His peace by an act of our will to trust Him, and then peace fills us fully. The unsettling part is the battle.The peace of God is a tangible manifestation of the state of our relationship of trust and surrender to Father God. Total surrender to His will brings total peace.
Isa 26:3 Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusts in thee.This trust and surrender is the REST of God. We are called to enter into this rest, which is the complete dependence and confidence in God's sovereignty and grace. The battle of "striving" to enter God's rest is a battle to stop our own efforts and own tendency to do it ourself and our own way out of the fear and anxiety of our flesh. I Peter 3:11 ...let him separate himself from evil and do good; let him seek peace and follow it.
4:3 Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of
peace.Many unite in the name of Jesus for what they would call "Church".
If you are like me, you have attended a gathering only to recognize
that God is not there and His peace is not present. True unity is found
in the Spirit, which is signified by a deep abiding peace of God.
Gathering in a building 3 times a week does not mean God is there. True
fellowship is where "the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the
Lord is there is liberty". There is also unity in the same Spirit in
the bond of peace in and among His children.
...And entering into the house, salute it. And if the house is worthy, your peace shall come upon it; but if it is not worthy, your peace shall return to you. And whosoever shall not receive you nor hear your words, depart out of that house or city and shake off the dust of your feet. ~Jesus~When you interact with others in the process of doing God's will, your peace is affected by the response of others to you. God resists the proud, and you can tell if you are not received because the measure of peace within you turns to resistance or hardening of the Spirit towards those who will not receive the Word in you. Yet when you are received God's peace flows. The state of God's peace in your heart judges or discerns the hearts of others.
peace is the greatest of weapons, disarming and disturbing the powers
of hell when one who contains the peace and rest of God is present. In a
spiritual battle there can be "resistance" in your inner being that
needs release through prayer or intercession. This can be mistaken by
the immature as missing God. But God is communicating His resistance to
wickedness through this hardening in you. God is wanting us to respond
in the manner He does through His inner presence and the umpire of peace
within. We must harden when He hardens and flow when he flows. Let that
peace rest in you as you die to your own will that God may fill you
with His perfect peace. And may we learn to recognize and respond to the
inner witness of the Holy Spirit.

And guess what? He always showed up and spoke
to all of us. What kind of things did he say to me? I recently came
across one of the things that He had said to me that I had written down
in a small pocket size note pad. Here is what he had said to me while I
was alone in the middle of a desert with no one else in sight. But
before I share it, let me say this.
I had been waiting
upon Him in a beach chair on a hot summer Saturday morning. Then I had
started to pace back and forth spiritually naked before God.
as I am inwardly listening with my spirit and bodily walking back and
forth reverently waiting for a Word from God, one starts to come into my
spirit. One of the reasons all of us take the time to go out into the
desert is to hear from the Lord.
A very easy thing to
do when there are no distractions. No phone, no people. No obligations.
Just a weekend to dedicate to waiting upon the Lord.
get used to hearing God speak to you way out there in the desert
silence. Some times it can be so still and quite that you can hear your
own heart beating.
After awhile you find yourself
being timed to God's timing. A peaceful relaxation takes over. A rest
and a slow down like you were not you for the moment. I mean the hectic
pace of the world of men falls off you and the starbucks stuff goes out
of your system.
Then Almighty God starts to speak.
world will confuse thee. Silence will speak more to thee in a day than
the world of voices can teach thee in a lifetime. Find it. Find solitude
and having discovered her riches, bind her to thy heart. I minister to
thee in solitude that ye may minister of Me to others as a spontaneous
overflow of our communion. Never labor to serve, nor force
opportunities. Set thy heart to be at peace and to sit at My feet.
Am a jealous God, and I am always at peace with Myself. I would have
you to be likewise at peace with My Spirit within you. As you give Me My
rightful place and do not allow others to intrude, ye shall be at peace
with Me.
Be very serious in this. I Am not speaking to
you lightly. I was never more in ernest in any message that I have
brought to you. Do not fail Me.
I have brought you
this message at various times in the past. It was never more ergent than
now. For man is experiencing a new awakening and he is searching for My
truth more than ever, and I must speak through My prophets, and if they
be not separated unto Me, how can I instruct them?
Yea, I
shall nourish thee by the brook as I nourished Elijah. And I shall
speak to thee out of the bush as I spoke to Moses, and reveal my glory
on the hillside as I did to the shepherds.
I want to
make you strong. I want you to be a devastator. I have brought you to
this place. Make the most of it. Drink in the silence. seek solitude.
Listen to the silence. It will teach you. It will build strength. Let
others share it with you. It is priceless. It is little to be found