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Monday, September 05, 2016

Inefficient Food Managment Or Impossible Task?

In the Bible days we read that the poor were allowed to "glean" the fields after the crops were harvested. They could get enough free food to survive because of this and no food ever got wasted.

 "'When you reap the harvest of your land, do not reap to the very edges of your field or gather the gleanings of your harvest. Leave them for the poor and for the foreigner residing among you. I am the LORD your God.'"
Leviticus 23:22

The custom of allowing the poor to follow the reapers in the field and glean the fallen spears of grain is strikingly illustrated in the story of Ruth (Ruth 2:2-23).

This custom had back of it one of the early agricultural laws of the Hebrews (Leviticus 19:9; Leviticus 23:22 Deuteronomy 24:19-21).

 Breaking this law was a punishable offense.

The generosity of the master of the crop determined the value of the gleanings, as the story of Ruth well illustrates (Ruth 2:16).

 A reaper could easily impose upon the master by leaving too much for the gleaners, who might be his own children.

 The old Levitical law no longer holds in the land, but the custom of allowing the poor to glean in the grain fields and vineyards is still practiced by generous landlords in Syria.

The writer has seen the reapers, even when they exercised considerable care, drop from their hands frequent spears of wheat.

When the reapers have been hirelings they have carelessly left bunches of wheat standing behind rocks or near the boundary walls.

The owner usually sends one of his boy or girl helpers to glean these.

If he is of a generous disposition, he allows some needy woman to follow after the reapers and benefit by their carelessness.

It is the custom in some districts, after the main crop of grapes has been gathered, to remove the watchman and allow free access to the vineyards for gleaning the last grapes.

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