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Thursday, June 26, 2008

George Orwell Prophet?

This was on the back cover in 1954:

Which One Will YOU Be In the Year 1984? There won't be much choice, of course, if this book's predictions turn out to be true. But you'll probably become one of the following four types: Proletarian--Considered inferior and kept in total ignorance, you'll be fed lies from the Ministry of Truth, eliminated upon signs of promse of ability!Police Guard--Chosen for lack of intelligence but superior brawn, you'll be suspicious of everyone and be ready to give your life for Big Brother, the leader you've never even seen! Party Member: Male--Face-less, mind-less, a flesh-and-blood robot with a push-button brain, you're denied love by law, taught hate by the flick of a switch!Party Member: Female--A member of the Anti-Sex League from birth, your duty will be to smother all human emotion, and your children might not be your husband's! Unbelievable? You'll feel differently after you've read this best-selling book of forbidden love and terror in a world many of us may live to see!

Almost as if George was here in this present moment when he wrote his book. I recall being assigned to read this book in high school in the late sixties, 1984 seemed so far ahead and the scenario of the book was so far fetched.

Who knew?

Read a summary here for free:

Read the book for free here:

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