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Friday, September 17, 2010

He Flys Kites At Night With LED Lights

He buys his LED lights here:

Then he flys kites with them attached at night:

And after two years of doing it he gets in trouble with a police officer:
: "Man arrested for 'disorderly conduct' flying a kite rigged with LEDs after St. Paul, MN residents reported a UFO. After repeated flights an officer told Sawka, 'If I catch you doing this again, I'll come and find you and put you in jail.'"

Sawka the nitekite flyer said he'd like to fight the citation.

"Hopefully, the judge will say, 'You're here for flying a kite?' and drop the case," he said.
Sawka said in August that he'd been sending lighted kites into the sky around St. Paul for about two years. He would put a "kite up a couple hundred feet and then start tying lights to the string," he said. They're "little LED bullet lights," Sawka said.

Sawka said he had asked the officers who stopped him in August whether his kite flying was illegal.
"They said, 'No, we think it's pretty cool,' " Sawka said. On Monday, when officers approached him, Sawka said he "was nothing but polite" and told them, "If this is illegal, just let me know," but he said they gave him a hard time and confiscated the kite.

One officer told Sawka, "If I catch you doing this again, I'll come and find you and put you in jail," the man said.

The St. Paul man said he didn't set out to make people believe a UFO was above their heads.

Wednesday, Sawka denied telling officers he was trying to get a rise out of the public. "I was doing it because I enjoy doing it, I think it's cool. I don't care what the public thinks," he said.

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