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Monday, September 27, 2010


The Left Right Paradigm Is Over: Its You Vs. Corporations
There is a movement beginning to censor the internet in the United States. This bill, the COICA, will be the first step. This is real, and terribly frightening.
From the judge who tossed the wire taping charges against a guy who posted a video of police: “Those of us who are public officials and are entrusted with the power of the state are ultimately accountable to the public. When we exercise that power we should not expect our actions to be shielded
"It is a sign that freedom is under attack when governments pronounce politically engaged citizens as "terrorists" and "extremists," and put anti-war activists on government files."

We had a very cold summer and now we have heat records in the fall
L.A. hits record high 113 degrees today.
In this clip, you will hear from: Retired Air Force Captain Robert Salas, Former Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Dwayne Arneson and Former Air Force Official Bill Jameson.
Former Air Force personnel admit to UFO, alien-related threats.
The Christianity Map
Scientists Estimate That The BP Spill Actually Was Bigger Than BP Or The Government Admit [sciencenews]
A number of retired military personnel and civilian officers have come forth with evidence of both unidentified flying objects and visitation by extra terrestrial intelligence. This group contains people of high veracity from former Clinton Chief of Staff John Podesta to NASA astronauts.(several videos)

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