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Thursday, October 07, 2010

Monsanto Lobbyist Are Behind This Evil

Detroiters May Lose Right to Garden
What does this mean to you? It means that you will not be able to grow your own heritage seed vegetables. Genetically altered  foods have been proven to be harmful to a very large segment of the population.
 Documentary exposing the evil agricultural nightmare called Monsanto and the story of Roundup and Roundup Ready Soybeans.

 An in-depth investigation into unlabelled, patented, genetically engineered foods that have quietly made their way onto grocery stores in the United States for the past decade. It voices the opinions of farmers in disagreement with the food industry and details the impacts on their lives and livelihoods from this new technology, and shines a light on the market and political forces that are changing what we eat. The film decries the cost of a globalised food industry on human lives around the world, and highlights how international companies are gradually driving farmers off the land in many countries. Potential global dependence of the human race on a limited number of global food corporations is discussed, as is the increased risk of ecological disasters – such as the Irish Potato Famine (1845–1849) – resulting from the reduction of biological diversity due to the promotion of corporate sponsored monoculture farming. The issue of incorporating a terminator gene into plant seeds is questioned, with concern being expressed about the potential for a widespread catastrophe affecting the food supply, should such a gene contaminate other plants in the wild. Legal stories reported by the film related how a number of farmers in North America have been sued by Monsanto; and the defendant of the Monsanto Canada Inc. v. Schmeiser case is interviewed.

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