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Sunday, October 17, 2010

When Steven Spielberg called and said, "I've got this interesting screenplay," Clint Eastwood, who hears this about as often as "hello," agreed to take a look. A few pages into Peter Morgan's script about the reluctant psychic and the survivor of a tsunami, Eastwood found himself "rooting for these characters."
Given his film's subject matter, you have to ask: Does he believe in life after death?
"I don't know," he says in a whisper less gravelly in life than on screen. "I guess I'm agnostic on the subject.

"But even if I don't believe in a hereafter, I believed during the course of making the film," he muses. The undogmatic Protestant who played angels of death in "Pale Rider" and "Unforgiven" says, "I don't see God as a sadist who wants to punish us for doing wrong," he says. "If I have any strong spiritual feelings, it's that you are meant to do your best with your life while you're here."
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