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Friday, January 27, 2012

 Alex & Me': The Parrot Who Said 'I Love You'

 TIL that Alex the parrot's (A subject of a 37-year experiment) last words to his caretaker were "You be good. I love you."


Character is no longer an important issue with Christians?

"Reflect Christian Principals"

Why I (a Christian pastor) am endorsing this man

 Just a reminder that Saturday January 28 is international Data Privacy Day in the U.S., Canada, and many European countries. Various events are being held around the globe: the head of the FTC opened a weekend forum on the topic by calling out Facebook and Google, the Ontario Privacy Commissioner is holding a symposium on 'Surveillance by Design', and of course Google recently announced they'll be tracking you more thoroughly in the future."

 "One independent rap group found it impossible to post their song on YouTube. When they tried to put up their video, they were informed that the copyright belonged to Universal Music, even though the rap group wasn't signed to any label. Another group working with Universal had used the music in a video of their own, which then accidentally leaked online. YouTube's filtering software then blocked the original. The Hollywood Reporter shares what happened and concludes by saying, 'For an industry that's pursuing copyright reform, the portrayal of a copyright regime that works against young artists can't be a good thing.'"

 "The reverberations from the SOPA fight continue to be felt in the U.S. and elsewhere, but it is the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement that has captured increasing attention this week. Several months after the majority of ACTA participants signed the agreement, most European Union countries formally signed the agreement yesterday (notable exclusions include Germany, the Netherlands, Estonia, Cyprus and Slovakia). Michael Geist has a full rundown on what is at stake and what you can do, wherever you live."

 "The FBI is in the early stages of developing an application that would monitor sites such as Twitter and Facebook, as well as various news feeds, in order to find information on emerging threats and new events happening at the moment. The tool would give specialists the ability to pull the data into a dashboard that also would include classified information coming in at the same time. One of the key capabilities of the new application, for which the FBI has sent out a solicitation, would be to 'provide an automated search and scrape capability for social networking sites and open source news sites for breaking events, crisis and threats that meet the search parameters/keywords defined by FBI/SIOC.'"

 ACTA - the latest threat to internet freedom

 "Ireland's Sopa" to pass without parliamentary vote.

 A law proposing to drug test welfare recipients has been withdrawn after an amendment was passed that required legislators to be tested also.

  The future according to the year 1956

This doesn't happen often

 Harvard Prof: MegaUpload Shutdown is an Attempt to Kill Technology

 Russian Plasma TV

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