"It's the 30th anniversary of the Commodore 64 this week — news that has made more than a few gaming enthusiasts feel their age. This story looks back at some of the peculiarities that made the machine so special — a true mass-market computer well into the era where a computer in every home was a novelty idea, not a near reality."
We have fired some customers over the years. They always were demanding and payed so little for their demands. Now we are very careful to profile and to pre~ qualify before we will work for anyone. Here is some great wisdom:
"Tyler Nichols learned an obvious but important lesson with his freemium Letter from Santa site: 'most people who want something for free will never, ever think of paying you, no matter how valuable they find your service.' He also discovered that non-paying customers are more demanding than paying customers, which only stands to reason: If someone likes your service enough to pay for it, they probably have an affinity for your brand and will be kinder."
Pentagon-supported physicists on Wednesday said they had devised a "time cloak" that briefly makes an event undetectable
Alot of snow today in Sweden

Old, million-dollar violins don't play better than the new models [top violinists can't tell difference in new double-blind test]
Hovering in the sky, this rainbow cloud over Mount Everest took an astonished astronomer by surprise. Oleg Bartunov, 51, caught the spectacle on camera during a Himalayas expedition in Nepal. Kerosene based geoengineered cloud

A friend of mine beatboxin' on the the flute. Enough said.
Look what I got for $1 at a flea market...
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