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Saturday, December 21, 2013

Come to our conference, buy all our products

Paul, Peter and John stood in front of the people and said, "Now for our special offer, for just $29.95 you can get our last three messages on Christmas for a limited time. These messages will change our walk with God and answer all of your questions while making us wealthy and enabling us to have a higher standard of living then we would other wise have."

Everything in Christianity has become product. All of the things of God have become merchandise and what can't be sold has been ignored and counted as having no value. You can't sell gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Rare is the person in ministry who wants nothing from you.

Paul did not seek to take, he was a tent maker. He worked with his own hands in order to have something to give to others. He had no limited time special offers, just the gospel message and the preaching of the cross.

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