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Friday, March 06, 2015

Do you want to really know about Lonnie Frisbee, then buy this book!

This charge I commit unto thee, son Timothy, according to the prophecies which went before on thee, that thou by them mightest war a good warfare;
I Timothy 1:18

 So, my son Timothy, be strong. Christ Jesus has blessed you so that you can be strong.
2 Timothy 2:1 

"For this reason, I am sending to you Timothy, my son whom I love. He will remind you of my way of life in Christ Jesus"
1 Corinthians 4:17

Timothy was the apostle Paul's spiritual son in Christ.

Those whom we beget in the Lord become our spiritual sons and daughters, especially if we disciple them in Christ.

There are families in Christ just as there are natural families in life.

I am of the spiritual family of Lonnie Frisbee along with many thousands of others in Christ.

Therefore, I am sharing my brother Roger's book with you today.

  I am a spiritual son of Lonnie Frisbee.

Nothing can ever change that.

Lonnie Frisbee has many spiritual sons and daughters in the Lord.

The evangelist Greg Laurie is a spiritual son of Lonnie Frisbee.

  Roger Sachs, my spiritual brother in Christ, born again through the ministry of our spiritual father Lonnie Frisbee, has transcribed the very words of Lonnie in a book.

Both Roger and I came to Christ through God Himself directly speaking to us as a result of contact with Lonnie.

There are others who can say that.

  Everything out there about Lonnie pales in comparison to Roger's book about Lonnie, because it is Lonnie's own words transcribed. 

After reading this book you will feel as if you have just been visiting the man of God, Lonnie Frisbee himself.

There is definitely an anointing upon the book that impacts you as you read the words.

There is an afterglow that surrounds you after you put the book down as the Holy Spirit ministers to your spirit.

If ever your wanted to get to know about Lonnie Frisbee, this is the only book to read!

  Recently I ran across Stan Frisbee, Lonnie's brother.

He told me that Roger is going to make a movie about Lonnie Frisbee.

What a blessing that will be!

Unlike my good friend David Di Sabbatino, Roger knew Lonnie personally, as a close friend and a spiritual son of Lonnie like myself.

While David produced a wonderful documentary about Lonnie as best as anyone could have ever done, I believe Roger will fill in the blanks and elaborate more of the spiritual side of things, having been there himself.

Here is the place to order this incredible book. 

Here is Roger's website.

Blessings in Christ.
David Sloane

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