Big Christian Leaders, Bigger Money:You can make Millions “serving Jesus”…it’s technically “legal” in many cases…but is it Moral?

Jesus answered, "If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me."
Matthew 19:21
We’ve all been there, sat through the subtle and not-so-subtle appeals for money to fund the “ministry” of Jesus…and the particular Pastor and Church has this or that “need” and we are blessed to be giving our hard-earned money to them because that’s what Jesus wants you to do…to build his Kingdom and give to “his” work…which so happens to be that particular Pastor and his particular “non-profit” church corporation.
OK, fine and well…but, what happens when the Pastor is taking home over $500,000 per year of the Jesus Money?
While in many cases this may be technically “legal”…is it Moral? Is it “right” and “righteous”?
Or, is it corrupt and evil and criminal from a Moral perspective?
According to recent studies and CNN Money, you are in the Top one percent of all American incomes if you make over $389,000 per year (averaged across the United States).
In rich states like California and Florida that number is $433,000 and $367,000 respectively.
Where does $500,000 per year put your household? You are in Elite air…and that doesn’t even take into consideration the tax-free nature of this income which boosts the Real Income a lot higher.
In most cases, the mega-pastors’ mega-salaries are carefully hidden from the public eye and you have to work very hard to get the information.
Where is the line folks? Is this what Jesus and ministry is all about?
When your Pastor makes more than 99.5% of the rest of the Population…and asks you for your money…should you know?
Should we care?
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