Lilly Shares Her Experience With Us

I am sorry that I took so long to get back to you, but I was not sure if I wanted to share my story with anyone because it is very special and sacred to me.
I also was not sure if you wanted to hear my story.
My time at Shekinah is very special to me, but I chose to share it because you would understand it and knew I wasn't just someone pretending to be a member.
My time at Shekinah is very special to me, but I chose to share it because you would understand it and knew I wasn't just someone pretending to be a member.
I was a member of Shekinah Fellowship in the 70's. When I was a teenager, I first discovered Shekinah when they were
downtown at the Long Beach Municipal Arena with my Grandma.
I accepted Jesus as my personal Savior and I received a white envelope with a packet of spiritual information.
I accepted Jesus as my personal Savior and I received a white envelope with a packet of spiritual information.
I met with Marla West (Randy's wife), and she went over everything.
My friend
Lynn Fredericks later joined, and together we attended every Saturday night at Pastor Adams Four Square church.
Lynn's brother Larry was in the choir and later married Mary Ellen.

Lynn's brother Larry was in the choir and later married Mary Ellen.
We were still hoping to join because they made an exception for Norma; we finally turned 16 and were happy to make our first long pastel dress.
Before the time we could join, we met up with David (don't know his last name) and Don Sanders in the orchestra.
Don played the clarinet and David plays the cymbals. I was thrilled at the end of the Hallelujah chorus to be given the right of passage by banging the cymbals boom!!!
If I couldn't be in the choir, I got the honor of the loudest and most important job (for a teenager).
By that time, I knew when to hit the cymbals and high notes in the Hallelujah Chorus.
By that time, I knew when to hit the cymbals and high notes in the Hallelujah Chorus.
When I was finally in the choir, I had everything memorized.
We were allowed to travel to the different locations where we were thrill to be a part of such a special ministry.
I have never since my time at Shekinah ever witnessed the true light of Christ or his Spirit, for Brant was truly anointed.
I remember a fun time we had when we went to camp at Big Bear (I think that was its name).
I took a couple of photo of Kelly Green playing volleyball (I still have it).
I took a couple of photo of Kelly Green playing volleyball (I still have it).
During the meal time if someone put their elbows on the table, we would sing, "Get your elbows off the table

That person would skip, jog or whatever around the dining hall. We would also sing "Rise and Shine," these songs were so much fun for a young girl.
I also enjoyed the swimming and thought it was so beautiful.
I also enjoyed the swimming and thought it was so beautiful.
I got to know Randy West quite well, my friend Lynn and Penny were not always doing the right thing, so Randy would always counsel them to the straight and narrow.
I got to also know Lily Green because we shared the same first name, and she had a niece in my small town where I was from named Sara Loomis.
I have so many memories.
I have so many memories.
I loved to hear Meg Rafferty sing, "Jesus Lover of My Soul," her voice was so angelic.
I remember when Brant and Lisa Green got engaged and drove off in Brant's Sunbeam.
I was so sad when they became un-engaged and to this day wonder what happened to Lisa.
I had a funny memory of Brant preaching and all of the sudden; a pair of legs had come through the ceiling and was dangling.
Brant kept on talking and they said a prayer for him; he also asked someone in a calm voice to check on him.
I remember when Marla West was pregnant with her baby; Randy blushed as she proudly went on and on.
I remember when Marla West was pregnant with her baby; Randy blushed as she proudly went on and on.
My friend Lynn saw him last at Douglas years ago and wonder today if you know what he is up to?
I would love to get in contact with him.
I was so happy when I was asked to greet people and hand out the programs at the door.

One lady remembered me; every Saturday she would come.
One day she died and left me boxes of material, it was written in her will to give these to Lilly – the one who hands out the flyers at the door."
Kevin Baker came up to me after he asked Lily Green about it, and she told Kevin that I was the Lilly.
I had to get a ride with different members because I did not have a car.
I had to get a ride with different members because I did not have a car.
I remember someone named Frank Gill and a couple of other people.
One evening I went with Kevin Baker, Don Sanders, Lynn and a couple of other people to look for a new location for Shekinah (us).
We were looking at this tall hotel that was unoccupied along Ocean Blvd., but the Fox Theater seemed to be a better fit.
I remember the Fox Theater as being dirty and having such a bad feeling about it; even today I can still feel that bad feeling.
I was told they found some satanic items in the closet or attic; I asked my friend where it was.
I remember it gave me chills to see the location; I wondered if that bad spirit caused the downfall of Shekinah Fellowship.
I still can't help but to think that.
I still can't help but to think that.
The meetings didn't seem the same, behind the stage I remember what I had seen before in regards to the chilling location.
I had so many wonderful memories of Shekinah on 7th Street.
I loved how Brant would say, "give all the glory to Jesus" Look to Jesus" as the lights would dim and we would sing "spirit of the Living God" and "Great is Thy Faithfulness."
I am greatly saddened by people when they discount the good Brand did.

I am sorry he died of AIDS, but it doesn't undo the fact that he was anointed of God.
It doesn't discount his ministry, it doesn't change the facts.
He said give the glory to Jesus.
Why then do people look to Brant with AIDS and say, he is not to be remembered.
He was human like us all, only his sins were more visible than our own.
Where are the forgiveness, compassion love and understanding?
Let those who are without sin throw the first stone. If anything, the people with the stones throwing them at Brant's glass house would make me walk away from God.
Brant always showed compassion and taught me not to look at man but look to Jesus.
Brant always showed compassion and taught me not to look at man but look to Jesus.
Brant was
a good man who in the time I was at Shekinah, helped me to be the most spiritual of my life even thirty years later.

I look back and strive to be half as spiritual as I was as a teenager.
It was by Brant's example and teachings that I studied and prayed, really prayed, for no less than an hour and a half each day.
To be the best I could be with God's help because I can do anything through Christ which strengthens me.
I feel those who spoke and speak against Brant, God's anointed, is speaking against God.

I have all of my Shekinah things in a suitcase and cherish them with fondness and smiles (even the record).
I am sorry I couldn't be there for Brant like he was for us, for I loved him as a brother and would have helped ease the emotional pain people cause as well as the physical pain of AIDS.
I have some additional questions that I was wondering if you could answer.
I have some additional questions that I was wondering if you could answer.
I left Shekinah to attend college, How did it end" and Why did it end" and When did it end?
What was the last meeting like and about?
I feel like Brant was alone when he died and needed to feel he was not.
I feel like Brant was alone when he died and needed to feel he was not.
Were you with him at the end?
Did you attend the funeral?
Where is he buried?
Do you have access to copying his videos and cassettes?
Do you have any funny or special memories of him?
Do you have any addition photos of Shekinah or Brant that I could have as a memory?
Let me know if you would like to do a reunion of the Shekinah Alumni.

I've hung onto my suitcase of memories, but I would cherish more.
It broke my heart to find out that such a kind-hearted gentle man would be stepped on by those who wear cleats of judgment.
If God could forgive Brant, who are we to think we are not required to forgive.
The Lord said it is required that we forgive many, many, many times.
I can't understand what there is to forgive; he did not do anything against me.
Most of the people who have a grudge against Brant never met him, or if they did, they could only see what I saw – Jesus.
I was totally blessed to have had the spiritual experience I did, for it changed my life for the better.

Love en Agape,

Love en Agape,
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