
Tuesday, April 21, 2015

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Friday, September 20, 2013

Friday Chicken Scratch

I have a friend a little older then myself who has smoked pot for years. Today he is totally unmotivated and lives way below his educational level and his intelligence level...
Long-Term Pot Use Tied to Less Dopamine, Which May Help Explain Less Motivation

I just updated to iOS 7 on my ipad. At first glance it was a bit of a jolt seeing the new look. I did notice it was snappier as if I upgraded my processor and memory, that was very nice. I like it overall and I think that you will. Once they work out the bugs it is another home run for Apple.
iOS 7 Bug Lets Anyone Bypass iPhone's Lockscreen To Hijack Photos, Email, Or Twitter

 TIL 2,000 year-old seeds were discovered in Israel around 1965 to be held in storage for the next 40 years. After they were planted, a tree that has been extinct for 1,800 years sprouted.

Glenns Lake, Montana [2559 x 1706]

  Just sitting at a traffic light in Indianapolis...

Some companies can goof up in other cultures unknowingly...
TIL: Nike released a pair of shoes to commemorate St Patrick's Day and named them 'Black and Tans'. Unknowing to Nike the 'Black and Tans' were a British paramilitary group that terrorised the Irish, Killing and injuring hundreds of people in Ireland during the 1920's.

The most dangerous city in America behind New York city...
 Eleven wounded in mass shooting in Chicago

There is joy...
My friend proposed while tandem wakesurfing. SO RAD.

 The Ultimate LEGO Machine

 Evangelist Pat Robertson Exploited Post-Genocide Rwandans For Diamonds?

" I'm for morality, but morality goes beyond sex to human freedom and social justice. We as clergy know so very little to speak with authority on the Panama Canal or superiority of armaments. Evangelists cannot be closely identified with any particular party or person. We have to stand in the middle in order to preach to all people, right and left. I haven't been faithful to my own advice in the past. I will be in the future."
Billy Graham Evangelist 

Some food for thought?
"Christianity is, to a first-order approximation, a philosophy based on non-stop judgement of everyone and everything. Christians jam their noses into the business of everyone else on the planet
for the sake of ferreting out something to be judgmental about. They draft legislation based on nothing but personally judging the behavior, beliefs, and values of others. They fund death-squads in Uganda to wipe homosexuals from the Earth because, you guessed it, they're judgmental and have decided that the offense is worthy of a death sentence.
Like I said, I'll believe that Christians think only God is worthy of passing judgement when I see it."
A Non~Christian

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