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Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Roswell Rehashed Relic
On July 7, 1947, a spaceship supposedly piloted by "Greys" crashed at a ranch near Roswell, New Mexico. Bodies and wreckage were recovered by the U.S. army. At least one survivor was probably recovered as well."
There is a rational explanation of the Unidentified Flying Object phenomenon that happened that night.
Because the object was not identified, the object's source was also undetermined. Or was it identified and was the source determinable?
The public had decided that it was from outer space and that it was of alien origin, but was it? There truly has been no proof, no one has ever produced the evidence of alien origin. Over the years the story took on some added extra components as all good conspiracies do.
If one were to do some real research into the matter, looking for a terrestrial origin instead of jumping on the extraterrestrial bandwagon, we just might find some clues that could help us to connect the dots. Then we could make some intelligent conclusions when we get the dots connected. This is how most intelligence communities operate. Identify the dots and connect them to see where they all are pointing. Logic?
We do know that there are flying saucers all over the world that get sighted by the public. And the media always seems to attribute it to extraterrestrial activity. It is a very marketable shiny thing that sells.
The government always goes along with the extraterrestrial line of thought because it is the perfect cover up of their own experimental aircraft testing. In most cases, any extraterrestrial hypothesis is acceptable to government manipulators, especially if it is so ridiculous that the witnesses end up discrediting themselves. The government is so successful at this that the entire topic of UFOs has become somewhat of a joke. This is done deliberately.
If we are to seek any real explanation of the UFO phenomenon, we must make a clean break with the past. We must go back to the basics of simplicity and logic. One basic question is this: could we humans be capable of making the unidentified flying machines which have been seen in abundance in the sky since the Second World War? Until we answer that question in the negative, there is no reason to postulate an alien origin for UFOs.
The Germans, during the war years, developed rockets and saucer shaped flying vehicles. The technology of the Third Reich was very advanced. Georg Klein was an engineer, an eyewitness to a saucer lift-off on February 14, 1945. He was also Special Commissioner in the Ministry of Arms Production who oversaw both the Schriever-Habermohl and Miethe-Belluzzo projects for Albert Speer. Mr. Klein has written some newspaper articles about these facts such as his article in Welt am Stonntag, titled "Erste"Flugscheibe" flog 1945 in Prag" (The First Flying Disc flew in Prague in 1945) . He has also written under the pen-name of Georg Sautier.
(The First Flying Disc flew in Prague in 1945)
George Lusar worked for the German Patent Office during World War Two. He saw many secret patents as they came into his office. After the War he wrote a book and some articles concerning this technology which was taken by the Allies (Lusar, Rudolf, 1960, German Secret Weapons Of The Second World War, Neville Spearman, London).
This video shows some dots that we can connect: Video
The circular "Mucholapka" building in Poland. According to Polish Military Historian Igor Witkowski it was used for testing saucer-type craft. The maker of the video doesn't know this, but they do show the craft test sites and the underground facilities in the above video link.
German saucers were not designed to generate the flying saucer mystery in the second half of the Twentieth Century. They were designed as a weapons system to do a specific job. The fast-moving wartime mind-set was a time when new aircraft designs and new propulsion technologies were coming on line with increasing frequency.
In the 1950s the United States Air Force was busy developing and testing flying saucers derived from captured German technology. Of course, the Air Force wanted it to remain a secret project, after all, we were involved in a Cold War. Given this problem might the Americans have asked the question as they always did: How did the Germans do this?
If they did they would have formed, as an adjunct to the secret saucer programs, a program to gather material on all civilian sightings of strange unidentified flying objects, under the cover of national security, as if an external threat existed. This agency would have then been in a position to "explain" or spin the data so as not to alarm the populace while still maintaining secrecy concerning its own projects. That would be "MUFON," an agency that has collected data for over 50 years and has never once delivered any results other than the usual spin explanations.
Germany was surrounded by enemies and their agents permeated much of the German war effort. The Germans needed to get control over what was accidentally seen by spies. To do this they enlisted the help of an unwitting German civilian population. An attempt was consciously made by Sonderbuero to "spin" reports of these sightings as they came in from civilian sources. A sub-department was set up within Special Bureau which sent out orders, countrywide, that all sightings of unusual flying craft be reported directly to that office and not discussed or publicized.
Ok...so back to Roswell...
During the first week of July 1947, U.S. Signal Corps engineers began tracking two objects with remarkable flying capabilities moving across the southwestern United States. What made the aircraft extraordinary was that, although they flew in a traditional forward~moving motion, the craft- what ever they were- began to hover sporadically before continuing to fly on.
This kind of technology was beyond any aerodynamic capabilities the U.S. had in development in the summer of 1947. When multiple sources began reporting the same data, it became clear that the radar wasn't showing phantom returns, or electronic ghosting, but something real.
Kirtland Army Air Force Base, just north of the White Sands Proving Ground, tracked the flying craft into its near vicinity. The commanding officer there ordered a decorated World War II pilot named Kenny Chandler into a fighter jet to locate and chase the unidentified flying craft. This fact has never been disclosed.
Chandler never visually spotted what he'd been sent to look for. But within hours hours of Chandler's sweep of the skies, one of the flying objects crashed near Roswell, New Mexico. Immediately the office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff took command and control and recovered the crashed craft's power plant, or energy source.
The recovered craft looked nothing like a conventional aircraft. The vehicle had no tail and it had no wings. The fuselage was round, and there was a dome mounted on the top. In secret Army intelligence memos declassified in 1994, it would be referred to as a "flying disc."
Most alarming was a fact kept secret until now- (The rancher who was first on the crash site said a saw some strange writing on some metal he saw) inside the disc, there was a very earthly hallmark: Russian writing. Block letters from the Cyrillic alphabet had been stamped, or embossed, in a ring running around the inside of the craft.
In a critical moment, the American military had its worst fears realized. The Russian army must have gotten its hands on German aerospace engineers more capable than Ernst Steinhoff and Wernher Von Braun- engineers who must have developed this flying craft years before the German air force, or Luftwaffe. The Russians simply could not have developed this kind of advanced technology on their own.
But the Russians, like the Americans, the British, and the French, had pillaged Hitler's best and brightest scientists as war booty, each country taking advantage of them to move forward in the new world.
And now, in July of 1947, shockingly, the Soviet supreme leader had somehow managed not only to penetrate U.S. airspace near Alaskan border, but to fly over several of the most sensitive military installations in the western United States.
Stalin had done this with foreign technology that the U.S. Army Air Forces knew nothing about. It was an incursion so brazen- so antithetical to the perception of America's strong national security, which included the military's ability to defend itself against air attack - that upper-echelon Army intelligence officers swept in and took control of the entire situation.
The first thing they did was to initiate the withdrawal of the original Roswel Army Air Field press release, the one that stated a "flying disc...landed on a ranch near Roswell," and then they replaced it with the second press release, the one that said that a weather balloon had crashed- nothing more.
The weather balloon story has remained the official cover story ever since. For the military, the very fact that New Mexico's airspace had been violated was shocking.
This region of the country was the single most sensitive weapons domain in all of America.
The flying disc that crashed at Roswell had technology more advanced than anything the U.S. Army Air Forces had ever seen.
Today you can make a trip down Highway 375 into the mountains behind Groom Lake. And if you have high powered binoculars you may see the activity of area 51 Nevada Test Site. People have seen circular flying disc rise up, hover and land.
We certainly don't have to worry if Russia will send more circular flying craft over America today, for we have Sarah Palin watching over the skies of Alaska...
Speaking of Roswell New Mexico...
Huel Howser tells the story of Hatch,
Hatch New Mexico has the finest Chili Peppers of anywhere in the world!!!
The El Rey Farms brings them to California and roast them for sale and people line up for them. You know you want some open fire roasted peppers with flavor.
Peppers are a natural way to bring down inflammation with out side effects. My aching joints do not hurt when I eat them.
What can be concluded from this glimpse into the world of German flying discs? Certainly, it can be said that some of these projects were realized. This being true, it can be said that these were the first "flying saucers". It is also certainly true that German flying discs were re-created and perhaps further developed by countries comprising the former Allied Powers. It can be said that in all probability, Germans immigrated to places outside Europe after the war and also built these flying craft.It is also a certainty that the exact nature and real history of these flying devices has remained a closely guarded secret in all these countries.
Not only has a secret been kept but an active effort, a conspiracy, has been made to keep it that way. This means that their exists an effort to keep the exact knowledge of these devices from the general populace for the foreseeable future. This effort extends back into time, into the origins of these projects in Germany and extends into the present.
Governments seem to keep secrets for the sake of keeping secrets. In any event, they operate on a "need to know" basis in dispensing these secrets. We simply have no need to know in their eyes. "Classified Information."
The aircraft known in popular culture as the stealth bomber was built with nearly a decade of work, billions of dollars, and total secrecy from the U.S. government. Even the contractors who worked on it didn't always know what it was. So how did a Japanese car maker, Honda, reveal it before the Air Force?
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