The Search For The Real Mount Sinai
Follow Biblical Explorer Bob Comuke As He Reveals The Discovery. The audio has a slight 60 hrz background hum but the video is good. You will see Mount Sinai located in the ancient land of Midian which is located in Saudi Arabia. Ron Wyatt was the original modern-day discoverer of the real Mount Sinai. Ron was on CBS News in 1984, telling about his trip to see the mountain and what he found there. He had entered the country without a visa and was thought to be a spy. He nearly died in prison there. Here is Ron's story on the web:
And here is the story from a subsequent explorer (Bob Comuke) who came along after Ron had intially discovered Mount Sinai. When Ron first came across the site there were no fences surrounding it. After Mr Wyatt found this site in 1984, and visited it again a year later, the Saudi government erected a fence and a guard house preventing access to the Holy Precinct area at the foot of the mountain on the eastern side. When Ron and his two sons made their first trip into Saudi Arabia, they were accused of being spies and were held prisoner for two months, awaiting execution. After Ron helped to heal many sick prisoners, the authorities listened to his story and accompanied him to the column at the Saudi beach, then to Mt. Sinai. It was then they believed him, but they had to confiscate his photographs before letting him go.
Part one:
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