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Sunday, June 07, 2015

Every Dictatorship Spies On It's Populace

 We have seen it over and over again in history.

Symbolism is a powerful tool.

Emblem of the National Socialist German Workers' Party
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei

Examples of Dictatorship

A dictatorship is an authoritarian or autocratic type of office or government where there is absolute control of one person. In other words, the dictator has total power and rules everything.

Well-Known Dictatorships

Here are examples of dictatorships with the dictator, his country, and time of rule.

European Dictators

  • Vlad III - Wallachia - 1456 to 1462
  • Vladimir Lenin - Soviet Union - 1917 to 1924
  • Leonid Brezhnev - Soviet Union - 1964 to 1982
  • Kaiser Wilhelm II - Germany Empire - 1888 to 1918
  • Ismail Enver Pasha - Ottoman Empire - 1913 to 1918
  • Nicholas II - Russia - 1894 to 1917
  • Josef Stalin - Soviet Union - 1924 to 1953
  • Leopold II - Belgium - 1885 to 1908
  • Adolf Hitler - Nazi Germany - 1933 to 1945
  • Alexander Lukashenko - Belarus - 1994 to present

Asian Dictators

  • Chiang Kai-shek - China - 1943 to 1948
  • Ho Chi Minh - North Vietnam - 1945 to 1969
  • Saddam Hussein - Iraq - 1979 to 2003
  • Ayatollah Ali Khamenei - Iran - 1989 to present 
  • General Agha Mohammad Yahya Khan - Pakistan - 1969 to 1971
  • Hideki Tojo - Japan - 1941 to 1944
  • Mao Zedong - People's Republic of China - 1949 to 1976
  • Kim Jong-Il - North Korea - 1994 to 2011
  • Kim Il Sung - North Korea - 1948 to 1994
  • Emperor Hirohito - Japan - 1926 to 1989
  • Pol Pot - Democratic Kampuchea - 1975 to 1979 
  • Bashar al-Assad - Syria - 2000 to present
  • Sonthi Boonyaratglin - Thailand - 2006 to present
  • Islam Karimov - Uzbekistan - 1991 to present
  • Ilham Aliyev - Azerbaijan - 2003 to present
  • Gurbanguly Berdimuhammedow - Turkmenistan - 2006 to present

African Dictators

  • Robert Mugabe - Zimbabwe - 1980 to present
  • Omar al-Bashir - Sudan - 1989 to present
  • Idi Amin Dada - Uganda - 1971 to 1979 
  • Paul Kagame - Rwanda - 1994 to present
  • Yakubu Gowon - Nigeria - 1966 to 1975 
  • Mengistu Haile Mariam - Ethiopia - 1974 to 1991
  • Gamal Abdel Nasser - Egypt - 1954 - 1970
  • Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo - Equatorial Guinea - 1979 to present
  • José Eduardo dos Santos - Angola - 1979 to present
  • João Bernardo Vieira - Guinea-Bissau 1980-1984 and 2005 to present
  • Paul Biya - Cameroon - 1982 to present
  • Idriss Déby - Chad - 1990 to present
  • Yahya Jammeh - The Gambia - 1994 to Present
  • Michael Sata - Zambia - 2011 to present

Dictators in the Americas 

  • Oswaldo López Arellano - Honduras - 1963 to 1971 and 1972 to 1975
  • Raul Castro - Cuba - 2006 to present
  • Nicolás Maduro - Venezuela - 2013 to present
  • Manuel Noriega - Panama - 1983 to 1989   
  • Anastasio Somoza Debayle - Nicaragua - 1967 to 1979
  • Carlos Castillo Armas - Guatemala - 1954 to 1957  
  • Alberto Fujimori - Peru - 1992 to 1993
  • Hugo Chávez - Venezuela - 1999 to 2012
  • João Baptista de Oliveira Figueiredo - Brazil - 1979 to 1985
  • Eric Gairy - Grenada - 1974 to 1979 
  • Raoul Cédras - Haiti - 1991 to 1994  
Dictatorships have, and do, exist throughout the world and throughout history.

So why is this important to us in The United States Of America today?

Battlefield America: The War on the American People, this fourth branch came into being without any electoral mandate or constitutional referendum, and yet it possesses superpowers, above and beyond those of any other government agency save the military.

 It is all-knowing, all-seeing and all-powerful.

It operates beyond the reach of the president, Congress and the courts, and it marches in lockstep with the corporate elite who really call the shots in Washington, DC.

Reichspropagandaleiter Dr. Goebbels:
“Propaganda has no principles of its own. It has only one goal, and in politics that goal is always to conquer the masses. Any means to that end is good. and any means that does not serve that end is bad.”

Gauleiter August Eigruber:
The propagandist never asks “Why?” He needs no justification, but rather only this granite faith: “I believe in the Führer, I believe in the Reich, and I believe in victory!”

The propaganda handbook that they are using. 


The private NSA subcontractors are still in operation even though we are told that the Patriot Act has expired. 

There has been no actual change.

We can imagine that:

 The young people are still sitting at their computer terminals watching and listening as always. 

Appearing to the world around them as some sort of a marketing group with an elaborate website that looks just as ordinary as any marketing group could look should you loo up their front name. 

While their next door neighbor would be an even more clandestine front with only three letters in their business name, typical of governmental fronts.

Typically on the roof of their buildings would be the cell phone towers and all of the highway cameras of their states highways would feed into their location.

Everything is being watched and recorded for what ever the reason.

 When it comes to the National Security Agency’s recently disclosed use of automated speech recognition technology to search, index and transcribe voice communications, people in the United States may well be asking:

 But are they transcribing my phone calls?

 The answer is maybe.

  The NSA boasts in training materials that the program, called XKeyscore, is its "widest-reaching" system for developing intelligence from the internet.

 The Guardian releases another leaked document: NSA program collects 'nearly everything a user does on the internet'

So even now as you view this...


 It may be necessary, it may not be. The real problem is that the federal government set up a system where it could infringe on constitutionally guaranteed rights without any transparency whatsoever. 

 Without Snowden we wouldn't even know.

 It's not really the spying in my opinion that is the big deal, it's that we were never asked.

Come senators, congressmen,
Please heed the call,
Don't stand in the doorway,
Don't block up the hall,
For he that gets hurt,
Will be he who has stalled,
There's a battle outside,
And it is ragin',
It'll soon shake your windows,
And rattle your walls,
For the times they are a-changin'.


Take a look at the pavement of your freeways. You will see large circles being installed, like the ones in the ground at traffic lights.

They are spaced every half mile or so.

What could possibly be the need for them?

Draw your own conclusions....

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