A panel of experts at the BBC discuss the possibility of re-purposing the Sahara Desert.
Instead of having over 9 million square kilometers of barren sand, we could start a massive project to gradually fill it with solar panels.

The remarks are illuminating:
"The technology is good. It's matured a lot in the last few years in terms of thermal storage.
And the Sahara desert is so big that if there is cloudy weather, it's localized, and with thermal storage, it can provide absolutely reliable power."
The difficulties turn out to be mostly political:
"The biggest potential pitfall is that it's politically complicated.
You're not going to develop solar energy in the Sahara unless you have a very strong state involvement, both on the side of the consumers and the project developers."
And one of the panelists points out that Africa must have a large share of the benefits:

Africans are self-confident now, they want to participate in their development, and they want to have part of their resources, they are not just there to always give to the rest of the world and remain poor."
All of this is well and good but has anyone considered the fact of Chemtrail clouding of the skies all over the globe.
Solar panels can't work in compromised solar radiation.
The world's last operating Magnox nuclear reactor, Wylfa 1 in Anglesey, Wales was closed yesterday after providing carbon-free power for over 40 years.
Wylfa1 was originally scheduled to shut in 2012 along with the adjacent Wylfa 2 reactor but it was kept operating for another three years with the innovative use of partially-burnt fuel from Wylfa 2 and remaining stocks of fresh Magnox fuel.
The reactor will be defuelled and move into its decommissioning phase over the next year.
The Magnox design used gas-cooling and a carbon moderator with the capability to produce weapons-grade plutonium depending on how it was fuelled and operated.
Its design fed into the next-generation AGRs which provide about 6GW of Britain's electricity supply today.
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