Apparently he had a powerbag; a backpack with a built-in phone charger.
Rather than send him to the principal's office or ask for an explanation, the teacher instead called the police, who promptly arrested him and threw him into a juvenile detention center for three days.
The school promptly suspended Armaan, and the police released him after three days but required that he wear an ankle bracelet.
(WHAT! Seriously!? I am appalled! )
Verifiable details are scant, for this case — probably because the whole thing seems to revolve around some 12-year-old kids talking to each other.
Armaan's story is that another student said his bag looked like it had a bomb in it, and that he would report it.
Believing it to be a joke, Armaan laughed.
The police say he "admitted" to joking about a bomb, and they insist their actions were justified.
A school district spokesman says the family was notified, but the parents say they had to dial 911 to find somebody who could tell them where their son was being held.

Hello, my name is Agam and I am a follower and believer of the Sikhism religion. One of our major beliefs is that we do not have any holy holiday’s because we think that each month is holy and honored. Another one of our beliefs is that Nanak and God crossed paths and God made Nanak His servant. Another thing about Sikhism is that we do not believe in discrimination of class, color, religion, caste, or even gender because we are all equal in Gods eyes.
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