Matthew 1:23 Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.
Jesus was the promised Messiah, He was "God with us".
Within the One Almighty God their are three persons all co-equal.
The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Job 12:10
In his hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind.
We are told about Almighty God by Paul the apostle, "For in him we live and move and have our being.'
Acts 17:28
Jesus the Son of God came to humankind in the form of a helpless infant through a virgin.
It is this birth we celebrate today.
Jesus, the tangible nature of Almighty God came to live among us.
He lived and grew up just as anyone of us lived and grew up.
He worked with His hands as a carpenter, relishing in His creation, enjoying all that He had made for it was good.
God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.
Genesis 1:31
On a January morning in 2007, a world class violinist played six of Sebastian Bach's most stirring concertos for the solo violin on a three hundred year old Stradivarius worth $3.5 million dollars.
A Stradivarius violin is the finest there is, the quality of their sound has defied attempts to explain or equal it.
The name "Stradivarius" has become a superlative often associated with excellence.
Two nights before, Joshua Bell had performed a sold out concert where patrons gladly paid $200 for
the nose bleed seats, but this time the performance was free.
Bell ditched his tux with coattails, donned a Washington Nationals baseball cap, and played incognito outside the L'Enfant Plaza Metro station.
Street musicians are not an uncommon sight or sound for Washingtonians.
The experiment was originally conceived by Washington Post columnist Gene Weingarten and filmed by hidden camera.
Of the 1,097 people who passed by, only seven stopped to listen.
The forty five minute performance ended without applause or acknowledgment.
Joshua Bell netted $32.17 in tips, which included a $20 spot from the one person who recognized the Grammy Award winning musician.
A stampede of tourists and government employees hustle and bustle through turnstiles, trying to get where they're going as quickly as possible.
But those circumstances don't discredit or disqualify the question raised by this social experiment:
If we do not have a moment to stop and listen to one of the greatest musicians in the world, playing some of the finest music ever written, on one of the most beautiful instruments ever made, how many similarly sublime moments do we miss out on during a normal day?
How is this even possible?
The short answer is inattentional blindness.
Few knew that Almighty God was in their midst in tangible form.
He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him.
John 1:10
He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive Him, they rejected Him.
John 1:11
Inattentional blindness is the failure to notice something in your field of vision because you are so focused on something else.
The first century Pharisees were so focused on Sabbath law they couldn't see the miracles happening right before their eyes.
They missed the Messiah, because they were blinded by their legalism.
They couldn't see past their religious assumptions.
They couldn't see the miraculous in their midst.
He who made the heavens and the earth was right there in their midst and they knew it not.
He who designed the planet earth to spin around its axis at a speed of 1'000 miles per hour.
Every 24 hours, planet earth pulls off a celestial 360.
Were also hurtling through space at an average velocity of 67,108 miles per hour.
Thats 87 times faster than the speed of sound.
On any given day you travel 1,599,793 miles through space.
Then add to that the fact that the Milky Way where we are is spinning at the rate of 483,000 mph.
But you don't know feel it or really know it because God made it good.
That is miraculous!
Yet I know people, and you do too, who say they have never experienced a miracle.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
You never have not!
Trillions of chemical reactions are taking place in you right now.
You are inhaling oxygen, metabolizing energy, managing equilibrium, manufacturing hormones, fighting antigens, filtering stimuli, mending tissue, purifying toxins, digesting food, and circulating blood.
All the while your brain is performing up to ten quadrillion calculations per second using only ten watts of power.
A computer would require a gigawatt of power by a nuclear power plant to pull off the same performance.
Then there is your personal genome sequence that if it were written out it would be a three billion word book.
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb.
Psalm 139:13
He who created all of this matrix and maintains it entered it miraculously and stood in our midst!
He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive Him, they rejected Him.
John 1:11
This day that an infant was born to us, Emmanuel, God with us.
The infant was born where average working men, shepherds, were.
The Master potter initially came not to the high and lifted up ones who were refined clay in their own minds, they who would reject Him.
But to simple men of the field who loved the outdoors, nature and animals.
Men who saw that it was all good.
Men who saw and knew that this was God incarnate born in the flesh and reverently received Him.
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