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Tuesday, April 26, 2016

From The Rusting Apple Files

Apple Is About To Post Its First Quarterly Revenue Decline In Over A Decade

After a dozen years of dramatic growth — led first by the iPod and Mac, and then the iPhone and iPad — Apple is expected to report that March quarter sales declined 10 percent year over year to around $52 billion. 
We truly miss you Steve!

 Apple is "outdated" and losing momentum in China, billionaire entrepreneur Jia Yueting told CNBC in his first international television interview.

 "Apple only has individual apps. 

This was the right choice during the first generation of mobile net, when CPUs [central processing units] and the mobile network speeds were not fast enough," Jia said.

 "However now we're moving into the next era of mobile internet, these problems no longer exist. 

Moreover, having separate apps just means great obstacles in the user experience. 

We hope to break down these obstacles.

 One of the most important reasons [for slowing sales] is that Apple's innovation has become extremely slow," he said. 

"For example, a month ago Apple launched the iPhone SE. From an industry insider's perspective, this is a product with a very low level of technology... 

We think this is something they just shouldn't have done. [...] 

The Watch hasn't cut it. 

And they're looking at content on the services side, on the iTunes side. 

We'll see how that works out.

 But definitely they need something to drive the next leg of growth."

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