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Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Giant Alligator

I never liked apps, I like programs. apparently others are like myself.

According to a new study on mobile app usage, nearly one in four mobile users only use an app once. TechCrunch reports: 

"Based on data from analytics firm Localytics, and its user base of 37,000 applications, user retention has seen a slight increase year-over-year from 34 percent in 2015 to 38 percent in 2016.

 However, just because this figure has recovered a bit, that doesn't mean the numbers are good. 

Instead, what this indicates is that 62 percent of users will use an app less than 11 times

These days, 23 percent launch an app only once -- an improvement over last year, but only slightly. 

For comparison's sake, only 20 percent of users were abandoning apps in 2014. 

On iOS, user retention saw some slight improvements.

 The percentage of those only opening apps once fell to 24 percent from 26 percent last year, and those who return to apps 11 times or more grew to 36 percent from 32 percent in 2015. 

In particular, apps in the middle stage of their growth (between 15,000 and 50,000 monthly active users), saw the strongest lift with retention and abandonment, the report also noted.

 This is attributed to these apps' use of push notifications, in-app messages, email, and remarking.

 While push notifications have always been cited as a way to retain users, in-app messages also have a notable impact -- these messages improve users retention to 46 percent, the study found. 

17 percent will only use app once if they see an in-app message, but those not using messages see 26 percent of users abandoning the app after one session.

The Rich Families Stay Rich For Centuries (QZ.com)

Thanks for the money, great-great-great-great-great granddad. (Reuters/Juan Medina)
While it comes as little surprise that families pass on their wealth to their children, it’s still somewhat remarkable that these families were able to maintain their wealth through various sieges of Florence, Napoleon’s campaign in Italy, Benito Mussolini’s dictatorship, and two world wars.

And of course rich families always have had the desire to live longer and to stay young at all cost. 

All of which is possible in reality.

But there is only one way:

 Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. 

The one who believes in me will live, even though they die;
John 11:25

Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.
John 17:3

For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 6:23

In Jesus Christ is the fountain of youth!

Echo For Free On The Net

For the first time, users won’t have to purchase an Alexa-enabled device to access Alexa. 

And you still give the virtual assistant commands in the same way you would if you had an Echo, although you’ll have to click and hold a button in the web app to have Alexa listen to you (whereas with an Echo, she’s always listening, sometimes too frequently).

Try it free.  
You will need an Amazon account.

Intel Knows It's No Longer Inside (The Verge.com)

During the early 90's when we all started getting on the Internet and began to learn how to build computers of our own, Intel was the premiere CPU.

"Intel Inside" was their slogan.

Each iteration of Intel's CPU's cost us dearly.

Then along came a competitor named AMD.

AMD was more affordable.

So we switched to AMD.

But Intel would up the game and come out with some newer whizbang CPU.

Back and forth we went trying to obtain the latest and the greatest advances in CPU tech.

We had bragging rights if we built the fastest computers with the best video cards that we could afford.

Only a few had the budget to keep up with the cutting edge in technology.

We all had a great time playing the computer building game

Well those wonderful days are all but gone.

None few care to build their own computers and most of us have transferred to our phones and iPads for Internet access.

You don't hear "Intel Inside" too often these days.

Intel knows it is no longer inside.



 Two years since the release of Intel's Haswell-E platform, which popularized 8-core processor to users. On Tuesday, the chipmaker unveiled Broadwell-E family, which consists of an "Extreme Edition" of Core i7 chipset that has 10 cores and 20 threads.

 (Do note that Intel is intentionally not calling it deca-core.) Intel says the Extreme Edition is designed for games, content creators, and overclockers. From an NDTV report:

The 7th generation Intel Core processors are built on the 14nm fabrication process, and are part of the 'semi-Tock' release -- neither in the Intel Tick or Tock cycle. and come with Turbo Boost Max Technology 3.0 for more efficient core allocation for single-threaded processes, giving up to 15 percent better performance compared to the previous Haswell-E generation.

 All four new Intel Core i7 Enthusiast processors, codenamed Broadwell-E, support 40 PCIe lanes, quad-channel memory, and bear a TDP of 140W. Give Intel $1,723 and the Extreme Edition pack is yours.

Watch all of the episodes here.

The Person And Work Of The Holy Spirit Taught By "Dr. Walter Martin"

The TV Program That Never Aired And Got Walter Martin Kicked Off TBN

Monday, May 30, 2016

Oh Ya, Let's Play "Jugger." ?!

Computer Generates Largest Math Proof Ever At 200TB of Data (phys.org)

 Honest, I once had a great roommate who was a math genius.

He had a way of calculating how many blades of grass were on the front lawn in mere minutes.

He has written a lot of books on programing and such.

This is something that is right up his alley...

A trio of researchers has solved a single math problem by using a supercomputer to grind through over a trillion color combination possibilities, and in the process has generated the largest math proof ever -- the text of it is 200 terabytes in size.

 The math problem has been named the boolean Pythagorean Triples problem and was first proposed back in the 1980's by mathematician Ronald Graham. 

In looking at the Pythagorean formula: a^2 + b^2 = c^2, he asked, was it possible to label each a non-negative integer, either blue or red, such that no set of integers a, b and c were all the same color. 

To solve this problem the researchers applied the Cube-and-Conquer paradigm, which is a hybrid of the SAT method for hard problems.

 It uses both look-ahead techniques and CDCL solvers. 

They also did some of the math on their own ahead of giving it over to the computer, by using several techniques to pare down the number of choices the supercomputer would have to check, down to just one trillion (from 10^2,300). 

Still the 800 processor supercomputer ran for two days to crunch its way through to a solution. After
all its work, and spitting out the huge data file, the computer proof showed that yes, it was possible to color the integers in multiple allowable ways -- but only up to 7,824 -- after that point, the answer became no.

 Is the proof really a proof if it does not answer why there is a cut-off point at 7,825, or even why the first stretch is possible?

Does it really exist?

Hey, did you know that 4 out of 3 people can't do fractions?

Who Does This? Dedication For Sure! 8 Years Of Growing In Just Two Minutes...God Sees This All The Time.

 How to properly watch this video:

1. Mute this video

2. Open this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RCObXuAwCIA and let it run in another tab.

3. Play this video. (Thanks Omega Ward)


Picture a blank sheet of paper.

Draw a straight pencil line across it's surface.

The paper represents time and space.

The line is representing your life.

That line has a beginning, middle, and an ending.

God is represented by the paper that the line is drawn upon.

 He is present at both the beginning of your life and the end of your life at one and the same moment as only He can do.

For “‘In him we live and move and have our being; as even some of your own poets have said, “‘For we are indeed his offspring.’
Acts 17:28

Jesus Christ says:

I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.

Revelation 22:13

The Eternal God in the beginning of your life, the middle of your life and the end of your life as Alpha and Omega.

Which brings up the question:

Do you have confidence that if you were to die today that you would go to heaven?

You can.

Massive Backlash Building Over Windows 10 Upgrades (fortune.com)

Microsoft "Jumps The Shark"

Some Windows users are now disabling critical updates on their systems rather than face the prospect of mistakenly upgrading to Windows 10.

 An anonymous reader writes: "By pushing it on users in such a heavy-handed way, Microsoft is encouraging users who have very valid reasons to stick with Windows 7/8 to perform actions that leave their machines open to attack," writes PC World's senior editor.

 He adds that "Over the past week, I've received more contact from readers about this issue than I have about everything else I've written over the rest of my career combined."

Now even China's official news agency is reporting that users are angry about stealthy Windows 10 upgrades, saying over 1.2 million complaints appeared on one microblogging site.

 It quotes a legal advisor with the Internet Society of China, who says Microsoft "has abused its dominant market position and broken the market order for fair play," saying that lawsuits would be justified over Microsoft's action.

 "Yang Shuo, a worker at a Beijing-based public relations company, told Xinhua that the sudden update interrupted his drafting of a business plan and led to a meeting cancellation for a deal worth 3 million yuan ($457,735). 

'Just because I didn't see the pop-up reminder does not mean I agreed.'"

In a unrelated development, the Chinese military plans to send nuclear submarines into the Pacific Ocean.

WWII Code-Breaker Dies At Age 95 (washingtonpost.com)

Jane Fawcett, a British code-breaker during World War II who deciphered a key German message that led to the sinking of the battleship Bismarck -- one of Britain's greatest naval victories during the war -- died May 21 at her home in Oxford, England. She was 95...

 Fluent in German and driven by curiosity, Mrs. Fawcett -- then known by her maiden name, Jane Hughes -- found work at Britain's top-secret code-breaking facility at Bletchley Park, about 50 miles northwest of London.

 Of the 12,000 people who worked there, about 8,000 were women. Bletchley Park later became renowned as the place where mathematician Alan Turing and others solved the puzzle of the German military's "Enigma machine," depicted in the 2014 film "The Imitation Game"...

The sinking of the Bismarck marked the first time that British code-breakers had decrypted a message that led directly to a victory in battle... 

Mrs. Fawcett's work was not made public for decades. Along with everyone else at Bletchley Park, she agreed to comply with Britain's Official Secrets Act, which imposed a lifetime prohibition on revealing any code-breaking activities.

Meanwhile, volunteers from The National Museum of Computing at Bletchley Park finally tracked down an original keyboard from the Lorenz machine used to encode top-secret messages between Hitler and his general.

 It was selling on eBay for 10 pounds, advertised as an old machine for sending telegrams.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Mostly Free Bible Resources You May Not Know About

 This post has been up all day (Sunday) and only has gotten 7 views thus far.

While the post under this one has gotten 18 views and the one under that has gotten 16 views.

A sign of the times?

What is BibleWorks?

 BibleWorks is the premier original languages Bible software program for Biblical exegesis and research.

It comes with Greek, Hebrew, and Septuagint Bibles for your computer, as well as translations in English, German, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, and more!

For fifteen years, BibleWorks has satisfied Bible software users around the world.

There is no trial copy of BibleWorks available for download.

The program is simply too big.

If you are interested in test- driving BibleWorks, BibleWorks does come with a 30-day, money-back guarantee (less shipping).

This gives you full access to the four hours of tutorial videos, the electronic manual, and free Technical Support.

There's no better way to test the program!

 (Click here for more details)


This one cost you nothing...



And this one cost you nothing also...

e-Sword is a fast and effective way to study the Bible. e-Sword is feature rich and user friendly with more capabilities than you would expect in a free Bible study app.

The fact that e-Sword is free is just one of the blessings and does not speak of the quality of the app.

 Below you'll find a list of features that you will discover helps make Bible study both enjoyable and enriching.


And this one cost you nothing also...

From this page (with no additional permissions needed), you may download the NET Bible and print it for others as long as you give it away free of charge.

 In this case, free means free.

The NET Bible cannot be bundled with anything that is sold, nor can you charge for shipping, handling, or anything else.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Mark Zuckerberg Is Dictator Of Facebook Nation; There's No Democracy Online: The Pirate Bay Founder (cnbc.com)

Facebook CEO and co-founder Mark Zuckerberg is the "dictator" of "the biggest nation in the world," says Peter Sunde, co-founder of the controversial website The Pirate Bay. 

Sunde, who appeared at The Next Web conference on Friday, added that there is "no democracy" online.

 From a CNBC report:

"People in the tech industry have a lot of responsibilities but they never really discuss these things... 

Facebook is the biggest nation in the world and we have a dictator, if you look at it from a democracy standpoint, Mark Zuckerberg is a dictator.

 I did not elect him. He sets the rules," Sunde said. "And really you can't opt out of Facebook. 

I'm not on Facebook but there are a lot of drawbacks in my offline world. 

No party invitations, no updates from my friends, people stop talking to you, because you're not on Facebook. So it has real life implications."

I can't be found on facebook.

62% Americans Get News On Social Media (journalism.org)

More people in the United States are now turning to social media instead of traditional media for news. 

According to Pew Research Center, which surveyed over 4,500 people with various backgrounds, an increasingly number of Americans -- 62% to be exact -- are getting their news from social media platforms such as Facebook, and Instagram.

 Of the 62% people, 66% of them get their news from Facebook, 23% from Instagram, 21% from YouTube, and 19% from LinkedIn.

From a Huffington Post article: It's easy to believe you're getting diverse perspectives when you see stories on Facebook.

 You're connected not just to many of your friends, but also to friends of friends, interesting celebrities and publications you "like."

 But Facebook shows you what it thinks you'll be interested in. The social network pays attention to what you interact with, what your friends share and comment on, and overall reactions to a piece of content, lumping all of these factors into an algorithm that serves you items you're likely to engage with. It's a simple matter of business:

 Facebook wants you coming back, so it wants to show you things you'll enjoy.

Which means you will get polarized things aligned with your particular stance. 

Divisive alienation is never a good thing for community or society.

I know people who will actually judge you as a person by your political stance.

Which rules out Jesus telling everyone to love one another doesn't it?

John 13:34-35

A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.

 By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.

It is unfortunate that so many far right religious Christians can't accept anyone who is not a Republican.

Especially when there are actually Christians who are not.

Jesus statement to love has no conditions placed upon it, it is a commandment given by the Lord.

But you wouldn't know that by the actions of some Christians.

Jesus is not Lord if He is not obeyed.

You do not love Jesus if you do not obey Him.

Jesus very plainly states:

“If you love me, you will keep my commandments."
John 14:15

In the current political climate in America Christians have not obeyed Jesus.

Where do you stand?

What is your hearts attitude?

This is not something you can lightly blow off Christian!

Time to get off the political soapbox and back away and get back to basic Christianity.

Love one another.

By this all men will know that you are My disciples. 

The bench mark.

Can anyone tell that you are Christ's?

Or are you just another polarized boring political pedantic talking head on their soapbox?

All political sides are culpable.

Friday, May 27, 2016

Lonnie Frisbee Can't Be Ignored

Friday, May 27, 2016

Personal Encounter: Lonnie's Lasting Impact Overseas


The impact of Lonnie Frisbee's ministry goes much further than a lot of people realize. 
There are to this day reverberations still going on from the impact of his ministry. 
In fact, Ken Fish, a minister who comes out of the early Vineyard, said in a comment to the recent post I wrote on Lonnie Frisbee:
 “This is an article that anyone who is interested in the origins of the modern "move of the Spirit" should read. 
Virtually everything that is going on right now in the Revival Alliance, Partners in Harvest, Bethel [Bill Johnson, Redding, Ca], Global Awakening, Iris Ministries [Heidi Baker], and more, has its roots somewhere and somehow in the move of God that began on Mother's Day that Bryan Marleaux writes about here.”
 (If you didn't get a chance to read this post, click here)

Overseas Impact

The Lord also used Lonnie extensively overseas, in various places such as England, South Africa, and Brazil, where there were those who experienced a powerful impact of the work of the Holy Spirit.

Scandinavia was another one of those places where the Lord used Lonnie.
 Some significant moves of God took place in both Sweden and Denmark through Lonnie’s ministry that saved and revived many people. 
We, through a divine appointment on our last trip to Scandinavia, encountered first-hand someone whose life was changed and completely turned around by the way Christ worked through the Frizz.

Prophetic Correspondence 

Right before we left on our last ministry trip to Europe, our friend David Sloane, a prophetic minister who has been used by God many times to bless and encourage our lives, sent us a recording of our late friend Lonnie Frisbee.
 The recording was from when Lonnie was ministering in Sweden back in the day. 
We didn't know that we would encounter someone in Sweden shortly after listening to that recording, who got caught in the line of fire and whose life was never the same: turned around for good by the power of God.

A Little Background on Lonnie Frisbee

For those who may be unaware, Lonnie was used by the Lord as one of the pioneers of the Jesus People Revival. 
After ministering in San Francisco’s Haight Ashbury district where this move originated, he later teamed up, through a divine appointment, with Chuck Smith at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa.

He was instrumental in getting things off the ground there, and as the main evangelist for some of the crucial early years, he also led some notable figures to the Lord including Mike Macintosh (pastor of one San Diego’s largest churches), Tommy Coomes (became a prominent worship leader with the Billy Graham organization) as well as Greg Laurie (pastor of Harvest Churches and evangelist of Harvest Crusades).
Laurie was also discipled by Frisbee for roughly a 5-year period.
 Lonnie also started Laurie’s church in Riverside, California with Fred and Ruth Waugh. 
 Frisbee, in fact, was used by God as the preacher and evangelist out there in Riverside for about a year and a half, before Greg Laurie ever came in and that was after Lonnie left to do other things. 
Greg Laurie took over as pastor after Lonnie had departed and Laurie changed the name to Harvest.

Frisbee was also instrumental in what would become the Vineyard movement (as I shared previously) introducing it to the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the famed Mother's Day service where the outpouring first took place. 
 Lonnie modeled and exemplified early on the ministry in the power of the Holy Spirit. 

John Wimber states in his book Power Evangelism that the Mother's Day service was the first power encounter of his life.
 Wimber synthesized and theologized much of what he experienced about operating in the power of God as Lonnie ministered in those seminal early days in what developed into the Vineyard.

John Wimber then taught on the Power of God in a systematic, palatable form that many in the body of Christ could readily digest through his conferences, seminars, tapes, and books. 

It should be needless to say, but isn't, that Lonnie Frisbee’s impact on these movements: Jesus People, Calvary, Harvest, and the Vineyard, was hugely instrumental and influential. 

For many years, Chuck Smith had pastored only a small church he couldn’t get to grow before teaming up with Frisbee.
 He couldn’t get past what Peter Wagner loosely refers to as a small church barrier. 
That was until Frisbee showed up and things began to move into what eventually became a revival amongst the youth and hippies.

Greg Laurie’s impact as an evangelist came from those seminal early times witnessing Frisbee as the leading Jesus People evangelist in those early days and being discipled by him.

One should also consider John Wimber’s statement that his first ever encounter with the power of God was at the Mother’s Day service (1) where Frisbee ministered in the power of the Holy Spirit and also that Wimber’s four subsequent books in his life are based on the power of God :
 Power EvangelismPower HealingPower Encounters, and Power Points, to see the impact. Wimber had written nothing of this sort nor had any experience in this area prior to this.

Back to the Story about Sweden

When David Sloane sent that recording to us before we left to Europe, it turned out to be more prophetic than either of us anticipated. 
While ministering in Småland, Sweden, we ended up having a powerful and unexpected divine appointment with a man who was radically saved and filled with the Holy Spirit through Lonnie back on one of those trips Frisbee had made to Europe:

We had just finished ministering in a small town in Småland and we were stoked at how the Lord really touched, filled and saved some of the youth. 
We were now trying to figure out how we were going to get to the main train station the next day, since it was quite a distance (about an hour and a half away) and our friends that we were staying with weren't available to take us.

We were glad when a man from one of the churches we had ministered at told our friends he could give us a lift since he would be heading there the next day.

The next morning, he showed up with a roomy station wagon, which was really cool already, as it meant we wouldn't have to be all crammed in with our luggage. 
It is common in Europe to drive tiny cars that get quite cramped if you stick a few people plus luggage in them.

As we got going we were just chitchatting about different things, when he nonchalantly began to tell us how he came to know the Lord.

He began to share that he had gotten saved and radically filled with the Holy Spirit when a guy named Lonnie Frisbee came to minister in Sweden years back around the time of the Jesus People Revival. 
Our ears perked up and we listened closely as he told us what happened:

He had been raised in a traditional church in Sweden, but the extreme liberal bent of the state churches and traditional fellowships there, left him, like it has with many others, without the saving message of the Gospel and steeped in unbelief. 
He said he actually had no faith at all, dead religion just doesn't get the lost saved!

But then a hippie preacher came to town.

He went to a meeting that this hippie preacher Lonnie was doing. Jan showed up drunk and only went there out of some kind of feeling of obligation.

However, his brother was there too, and he had a severe knee injury and wasn't able to walk unassisted. 
 Lonnie called his brother forward in the meeting to pray for him after he gave his message. 

Frisbee laid hands on him and began to speak forth healing to the injured knee, and his brother began experiencing the power of God.
 He could feel something was going on in his knee. After some prayer he just got up and started walking and than began to run around the room. 

Knowing the severity of his brother’s injury and that unless God had touched him he couldn't move and run like this, Jan was confronted with the reality of the Kingdom of God.

He was shaken out of his drunken state by what was happening. 
In a state of awakening, confronted by the Kingdom of God, he came forward and he and his brother received Christ and got saved.

After they accepted Jesus Lonnie then began to pray for them to be baptized in the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit began to fill him with the Father’s love, power, and grace.
 He had never experienced anything like this before in his life. 
The Spirit of God filled him, and filled him, and filled him with His presence and he was there receiving for like 3 or 4 hours under the power of God. 
He experienced a radical baptism in the Holy Spirit.
 It was a life changing moment that reset his life's course.

He gave his life to the Lord that day and has walked with Christ ever since. 
He is still actively serving the Lord to this day and walking in the Spirit. 
He regularly does mission trips to different places and ministers himself.

Similar Experiences 

I noticed how we both shared similar experiences: 
I shared with Jan how I also had been baptized in the Holy Spirit for like 3 or 4 hours when I first got filled with the Holy Spirit through Lonnie’s ministry back in the day. 
I told him what a life-changing thing it was for me as well.

It was quite the experience to meet someone halfway around the world who experienced the same thing through the same evangelist, Lonnie Frisbee.
 We felt the presence of God filling the atmosphere inside the car as we talked and drove along.

Youth Touched in Meeting 

We also shared with Jan about how the Lord blessed and impacted a number of people and filled them with the Spirit when we just ministered there in Småland:

I shared how we had done some meetings where the adults were being ministered to, but we wanted to find a way to see some of the youth impacted as well.

Our friendsä son named Daniel came up with an idea: let’s take them out on a boat ride before coming over for a special meeting as a way to stir some fun and interest into the mix to get the youth in the area interested in coming out. 

A good-sized group of about ten to twelve kids responded and showed up, so we had them out for a short sailboat ride and then had them come up afterwards for some dessert and to share a bit.

After dessert, Mercedes and I began to share some Holy Ghost Surf Stories and some adventures we’ve had serving the Lord in different places in the world. 
This got their attention as it wasn't a churchy type of message but more of adventures we’ve had in the Lord. Some of the kids were unchurched and others went to church but some were quite nominal (the state of things in Europe today). 

We could feel the Holy Spirit starting to break through the walls and barriers there.
 We then had our friends’ son Lucas share how he had been ministered to by the Holy Spirit when we prayed for him earlier that very day. 

The Spirit of God had come upon Lucas powerfully earlier when we were just talking to him and eating lunch with him. 
The presence of God began to overwhelm him as tears just filled his eyes. 
We began praying for him and the presence of God filled him in a powerful way.
 He could barely eat his sandwich afterwards it got drenched by his tears.

As Lucas shared with the group what happened at lunch we began to transition as we were feeling the leading of the Spirit to begin minister to some of them there. 

The Lord began to touch and fill some of the young people as we ministered. 

As we continued, I felt drawn to go talk to two girls who were hanging in the back of the group and being quite shy. 
With our friend Maisi, I inquired if they had ever received Jesus as their Savior.

They told us that they had not. So we ended up sharing and explaining the Gospel with them while Mercedes, Lucas, and some others continued praying over the other youth. 

After explaining how Jesus had died for our sins and rose to give us eternal life, we asked if they wanted to receive Christ. 
They responded affirmatively so we led them in prayer to receive Jesus as their Savior and Lord.

We saw that the Holy Spirit was at work so we said, “Let's also pray for you guys to be filled with the Holy Spirit.”

The Spirit of God began to slowly and gently come upon them, just lightly touching them at first. Then, after a bit, the power of God began to radically increase upon them. 
Then tears began to stream down their faces.
 It just became more and more powerful as we prayed for them, and they collapsed down onto the couch as the Lord filled them and they gave each other a big, long, bear hug, and then surprisingly these two who had just gotten saved began to pray for one another and minister to each other. 

They had been very shy and reserved and quiet, sitting in the back not involved just prior to this. 
Now the Lord had taken hold of them and they were being transformed before our eyes. 

After praying for one another for a while they began to lay hands on others there and get words for them.
 This was blowing my mind as nobody told them to do this or even encouraged them. 
But God was immediately using them as they let the Holy Spirit work in them.

The presence of God just kept being poured out and the meeting went long into the night.
 In fact, our hosts got so tired they finally went to bed. 
But not these newly saved and filled young ladies. 
They were so filled with joy after all the Lord did, they seemed ready to stay up all night, and in fact didn't leave until about three in the morning. 

They all showed up at the next church service we did and brought other friends with them. 
The Holy Spirit was poured out especially on the whole of the youth that night and they stayed long after the meeting was over praying and ministering to one another.

The mother of one of these two young ladies who got saved at that special youth meeting came up to us. 
She told us how thankful she was that her daughter had finally been saved, explaining to us how she had been praying for her for many years. 

God heard her prayers even though His answer to that prayer did tarry for a long time. 
He also uses unexpected vessels sometimes to answer and do His will! 

Vessels indeed:
 He used a sailboat ride to get them out to a meeting they normally wouldn't go to on a Friday night and some American surfer sharing Holy Ghost Stories to bring them into the kingdom. 
The Lord used a Hippie preacher to save Jan and many, many others, as well as to impact a large segment of the Body of Christ. 
He’ll use any vessel that will surrender to His will and follow Him.


(1) Wimber, John with Kevin Springer. Power Evangelism (San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1986) 23-26.
 Your donations to Grace World Mission do not buy mansions in Ritz Cove Dana Point or anywhere else.
They actually go to the ministry that you intended it to go to, evangelistic mission fields.

I know of no other ministry that does not enrich its self from the donations.

This is not Bethel or any other sly monetized efforts of man disguised as a ministry.

This is a husband and wife team that have been genuinely impacted by the Holy Spirit to preach Christ around the world while "walking in the Spirit." 

I totally endorse this ministry!

Your "Jesus dollars" will be a true investment in ministry and bringing in the sheep.
David Sloane

Secret Text In Senate Bill Would Give FBI Warrantless Access To Email Records (theintercept.com)

A provision snuck into the still-secret text of the Senate's annual intelligence authorization would give the FBI the ability to demand individuals' email data and possibly web-surfing history from their service providers using those beloved 'National Security Letters' -- without a warrant and in complete secrecy.

[The spy bill passed the Senate Intelligence Committee on Tuesday, with the provision in it. 

The lone no vote came from Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., who wrote in a statement that one of the bill's provisions "would allow any FBI field office to demand email records without a court order, a major expansion of federal surveillance powers."

 If passed, the change would expand the reach of the FBI's already highly controversial national security letters. 

The FBI is currently allowed to get certain types of information with NSLs -- most commonly, information about the name, address, and call data associated with a phone number or details about a bank account.

 The FBI's power to issue NSLs is actually derived from the Electronic Communications Privacy Act -- a 1986 law that Congress is currently working to update to incorporate more protections for electronic communications -- not fewer. 

The House unanimously passed the Email Privacy Act in late April, while the Senate is due to vote on its version this week. 

"NSLs have a sordid history.

 They've been abused in a number of ways, including targeting of journalists and use to collect an essentially unbounded amount of information," Andrew Crocker, staff attorney for the Electronic Frontier Foundation, wrote.

 One thing that makes them particularly easy to abuse is that recipients of NSLs are subject to a gag order that forbids them from revealing the letters' existence to anyone, much less the public.]

Evil men at work.

Thursday, May 26, 2016


New Meaning Of "Frog Leggs."

Antibiotic-Resistant E Coli Reaches The US For The First Time (reuters.com)

A woman in Pennsylvania has contracted a strain of E Coli that is unaffected by all known legal antibiotics, including the antibiotics of last resort.

 We have had bacteria that were resistant, but this is the first bacteria that is completely immune.

 Such bacteria were known in China, but since the woman has not traveled recently it means she contracted it in the wild in the USA. 

 This is a major step toward the terrifying post-antibiotic world.